Thursday, June 6, 2013

Dead people and Illegals on Voter and Welfare lists

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Florida voters

Ken Detzner, the Florida Secretary of State began cleaning up the voter registration lists.  During the process, they found 53,000 dead people that were still registered to vote throughout Florida and Detzner issued instructions to have them removed from the voter rolls along with any persons identified to be non-citizens. Florida’s Department of State has generated a list of 182,000 suspected non-citizens. When one of these people votes, it cancels out my vote.

But guess what?  US Attorney General Eric Holder has fought against every measure that has been taken by states to insure an accurate and fraud free election.  He has ruled any form of voter ID to be illegal and now he is trying to intimidate states like ours from cleaning up our voter registration lists.

Read more... at Godfather Politics. Not only do these dead people and illegal aliens vote but collect welfare.


  1. Hey- I think I saw those guys with NO signs at K Street.

  2. Oh those guys from
    friends of the

  3. The voter rolls are a joke! Lake Worth should be on a Dannon yogurt commercial. According to the voter rolls, many of our voters are well over 100 years old! And is there any way that we have 35,000 registered voters in Lake Worth? Hell no! Maybe 9,000 at most. When you're walking door to door campaigning with the supposedly up to date lists from the Supervisor of elections, hardly any of the names match the houses that they are supposed to live in.Voter fraud is totally out of control in this country.
