Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Schemer and fraudulent absentee ballots

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Patrick Murphy campaign used Garcia, who is at center of an absentee ballot probe

As we all are learning, dead people are even on our voter rolls. Allen West lost his election by 2,400 votes and Patrick Murphy is claiming that Garcia did very little for his campaign. Right.

Read more... at the Miami Herald.

Read more... at The Hill.


  1. Lynn, You really need to find something else to write about. I for one am getting tired of your belly aching. It is time to move on West LOST deal with it.

  2. No I don't. I write about what turns me on--I am a life-long Democrat. Who better to mention dishonesty in that political party? Who better to bring up Obama and his ills?
    I didn't write the article...I just brought it up. Tell it to the Miami Herald to stop "belly-aching." I am sure they will pay attention to your unhappiness with the truth.

  3. I agree with you Lynn, you care and write with your heart, you expose a lot and share much info. about things relevant to all of us. It is your blog and you can write and post what you want, I agree, if people do not like your posts or certain people commenting on your blog they should go to another or create their own. Thanks for caring and always sharing so much and making our little city a better place for many of us. Keep the faith!

  4. Allen West is a Has Been, He has been here, and now He is GONE.

  5. Allen West is a former military combat officer and a former congressman. He is anything but a "has been." Democrats stole his election. West's opinions are being heard every day. He will return. You should have half of his intelligence and patriotism and leadership skills. You would be lucky indeed.
