Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Academy for Positive Learning

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Academy for Positive Learning
This fence panel has been missing for months

I don't care if they put skirting up and tie them down to withstand the worst of God's wrath, they are still portables and look terrible on Dixie Highway.

Back on May 7, the Appearance Criteria was on the agenda for this charter school. The vast majority of the people who spoke did not want these temporary structures to remain as "permanent" no matter what the school did to them. The school had agreed to build permanent structures within 16 months. First they had the money and then they didn't. They say that they can't fulfill  the agreement and want our city to give them another break--trailers on Dixie Highway. The item was tabled until the next meeting.

On May 21, the item was on the agenda again and the School had its attorneys  at the meeting. The school got some support from a few parents. It was stated that new information had come forward but no information was relayed to the public. It was tabled once again. What's going on? Will we ever know or will we have to bend over and take it? Perhaps we wait for that first hurricane--there's a 48% chance that a hurricane will hit Florida this year. 


  1. Our city leaders do not have backbones (hence, not REAL leaders), nor do the LW employees or the P&Z Board comm volunteers. That is why our city looks like it does, so much blight and what do you expect when you have a member on that P&Z Board who himself keeps a blighted boarded up building on a main thoroughfare in our city? They are an embarrassment to our city and the people who live here. How can we respect any of them? Just because they are so bad and do not care, doesn't make it right, volunteers or elected, they all stink, we deserve better in this city.

  2. The point is-portables are not permanent structures. If we allow this, the next trailers that show up on Dixie won't have a wall hiding them. Won't our Dixie corridor look inviting then? Commissioner Maxwell had his B.S. goggles firmly in place with his comments on this issue. Lets all just hope that for the sake of our city's future appearance the other Commissioners take his lead.

  3. THEY NEED TO THINK ABOUT THE SAFETY OF THOSE CHILDREN FIRST! The incompetence in this city is a complete embarrassment for the city and people.

  4. A hurricane hits and all that aluminum and junk is all over Dixie highway. How many classrooms? 10? Then those self-serving business that approved of this will wonder what in hell they did.

  5. I am told that the City lacks authority to regulate this property as it is a school and is therefore under the authority of the Palm Beach County School District.
    Do you think we can get that group of bureaucrats to care about its appearance?
    The City and its citizens need to use friendly persuasion to correct the mural problem.

  6. haha. Friendly persuasion. That's a good one!

  7. I can show you 3 at minimum properties in area that look much uglier then this place, 7 and Dixie abandon gas station is one. Better they leave it for pill mill that was tenant before?

    Polish Chris

  8. Too bad the money is not being used in a smart educational way, Were did the money go? Do what you say you are going to do and set POSITIVE example... For the children that are still attending waiting for that roof top garden ect. Get it together get the job done or get out and let someone that knows what they are doing take over. Peace
