Saturday, June 15, 2013

On being obtuse

Comment Up

One of my "fans" continues to try and comment on my blog with vicious personal attacks done anonymously, of course.  The no-name attacker says that I am "obtuse," one of his calmer missives. That is his favorite "big" word and his attacks generally cover all his reasons why I am so dull-witted. Good thing the word obtuse doesn't have seven letters or three syllables; he would be incapable of using it.

1. not quick or alert in perception, feeling, or intellect; insensitive; dull.

I would say that this person probably relates to this definition in his own life...a bully for sure--not a pleasant person on any count and perhaps one living with a lot of misery who wants his own way and one who just can't stand anyone thinking anything differently than he. This anonymous commenter could (but he can't) make the most foolproof, logically-sound argument which would never possibly be refuted, but everything he says flounders when he resorts to personal attacks.

And if I were to say "Now shove it up your azz, you stupid f*^k," this intellectually dishonest person who acts like a middle schooler might get more credibility, so I won't do that. It is best to delete the comment and explain why I deleted it, if I feel like it and want to waste my time. The explanation might eventually sink in unless, of course, he/she is just too obtuse.


  1. You can't post the comments by this obtuse person because they are true and hit too close to home.
    Please make this clear. you are the only bully living in misery which is why you try to put it on someone else too.

  2. You really do need some professional help.

  3. If anyone has read your blog for awhile, they know that you are not a bully. There is a big difference in telling the facts or having an opinion on the issues not just locally but nationally as well. People may disagree but you have never been a bully. Can't say the same thing for that other blogger though. Keep it up and thanks for letting us comment even when we do disagree.

  4. i think you have many good posts, that invite dialogue, some critical. but if you just attack and belittle different views what point would your blog have. the posting of attack comments on city residents is offensive to many people. why not allow just good clean dialogue no matter how critical it is. please do not post that woman on lakeside, she is getting close to slander. pity her husband if he ever tries another run for office
