Saturday, June 15, 2013

Immigrant Demonstration at Lake Worth City Hall

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I asked her what the sign meant--"no more deportations."
I asked her if she was a citizen, "Yes," she said as she screamed
loudly as I passed by.

About 25 people holding signs and shouting with a bullhorn.
Channel 25 was there.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion.
 Cars were driving by with horns beeping
 having no idea what it was all about.

One lone Lake Worth city commissioner.


  1. Lady, can we kick the criminals out? Would that be acceptable?

  2. Ask Commissioner McVoy. I am sure that he has an answer to the illegal alien criminal problem that has invaded our country. These people don't want to go to the back of the siree. The scream and shout demanding "rights" that they are not entitled to have.

    The country has spent $5.7 billion on incarceration of illegals in this country for committing serious crimes and who believe that America owes them a living. Just the sort of people we don't want here.

  3. That lady in orange has been eating too many beans! We need to stamp out EBT obesity! Did anybody call ICE ?

  4. I agree with the "Not one more" sign. Not one more damn illegal criminal allowed in my country! Start enforcing America's laws NOW.

  5. 11:02, you are a loser

  6. They cross our borders illegally looking for a better way of life. They TAKE our government hand outs such as rent money, food money, education for their children, free health care and then all the under the counter money they make, tax free, they send back to family in Central America.

    They should be holding signs saying "Thank You American Taxpayers".

    I can't tell by looking at a person if they are here illegally or not and have found my first impression was wrong a few times.

    But I've gone to the Bahamas and you cannot even stay at a hotel without showing your passport. Forget about working there unless your paperwork is correct and you are allowed to work.

    Our government coddles these people and are helpless to do anything about it.

    If there weren't so many benefits given, if everyone had to show they are here legally in order to get any taxpayer paid benefits or rent a house, room or apartment, we'd be making headway.

    I am PRO legal immigration and wish they would fix it so more people could immigrate here quicker. The application process keeps criminals from coming here and should be enhanced.

