Monday, June 17, 2013

More Immigrants equals Population Woes

Letters to the Editor
Palm  Beach Post
June 17, 2013

More immigrants equals population woes

The Labor Department claims that 175,000 jobs were created in May, barely keeping up with population growth. This level of job growth will do nothing to mop up the estimated 11 million unemployed Americans. Yet the immigration bill would turn an estimated 11 million illegal workers into legal workers.

I keep hearing that more immigration is good for the economy. If that is the case, why isn’t our economy going gangbusters? The U.S. has taken in more than 30 million legal immigrants since the Reagan era, more than any other nation. Tucked away on page B7 of the June 5 Palm Beach Post was an article about how wages continue to decline. Every job that isn’t nailed down gets sent abroad. The immigration bill ensures a continuing supply of cheap labor. Good-bye, American dream.

Also, why no mention of the huge population growth the immigration bill will ignite? Immigration is now the driver of U.S. population growth. For those of us who also care about the future of non-human diversity in this country and support stabilizing the U.S. population, it’s really disappointing to watch the enviros cringe on the sidelines, trembling in fear of being called racist, while the federal government force-feeds endless population growth.

Palm Beach
PBPost Editor’s note: Lesley Blackner was an organizer of the Florida Hometown Democracy campaign


  1. All of us must pay our fair share of taxes. All the illegal immigrants here who work, legally or not, or under the table, need to be paying their fair share of taxes, make them pay or send them home if they are not willing to pay their share of taxes, no more working under the table or illegally. This is the big problem here.

  2. I bet if the illegals are made legal and have to pay taxes, many then will want to go home or still try to work under the table to avoid paying taxes into the system.

  3. Worry not so much about those coming from Latin America. We as a country need to start worrying about the islamization of the US. If you really take a good look, non-hispanic whites will be a minority in 2041, and Latinos are our only hope of keeping the US judeo-christian. Let's start teaching them how to become better citizens and we all will become winners.
