Monday, June 17, 2013

Lake Worth Board Appointments coming up

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Board appointments will be coming up soon as terms expire. Applicants don't even have to sit through a public interview. They are appointed behind the scenes by the commission. We have no idea if anyone is qualified. If you go to the city web site, they don't even give you information any longer on the CRA's board members. Even though the city commission appoints CRA board members, it is off the city's web  site.  The CRA does not have to answer to the city commission or to the residents at all. They do have to submit a budget and the city has to be responsible for all debts they fail to pay. Everything is getting less transparent in the City of Lake Worth. Everyone should be asking, "why?"

Following are two of the top three city appointed boards members' lists. These appointees have a lot of power as to how our city looks, sometimes making decisions that are arbitrary to our desires. At times they get deeply involved in political issues and even go so far as to scorn city code and ordinances.  It is really important who is elected commissioner.

Historic Resources Preservation Board
Members – Three Year Terms
Wes Blackman
Juan Contin
Judith Just
Herman Robinson
Related Field
Loretta Sharpe
Real Estate Sales
Alternates (One Year Term)
Mark Clary
Jimmy Zoeliner
Citizen at Large

Planning & Zoning
Mark Parrilla
Citizen at Large
Greg Rice
Professional / Real Estate
John Rinaldi
Citizen at Large
Dean Sherwin
Professional / Architect
Dustin Zacks
Professional / Law
Citizen at Large


  1. Thanks for the information Lynn and all these updates, it is very sad to see all of this and hear of the lack of transparency, it is all about best buds and not about having sound ethical people on these boards for the people in our fine city. Take Wes B for one, the person who runs a hateful, evil spirited, and attacking blog/website, how can anyone allow such a monster to be on one of our city boards? Too, look at G. Rice, the one who owns the boarded up and blighted property at 1306 Lucerne, making our city look trashy and contributing to more blight and crime just by keeping the property boarded up and blighted with a huge hole in the roof. How can our elected folks allow these two people on city boards when neither is deserving based on their actions or lack of them. Obviously they do not care about us or our city. It is a slap in the face to all of us good citizens. It is all about respect and responsibility,two things that neither Wes or Rice have for any of us or our city. We need to vote out all our current officials.

  2. Normally i don't allow any attacks against fellow bloggers but in this instance I see the exception to my rule. I totally agree with you on bully attacks from the other blogger. He allows the most vile of comments with the excuse it is "one of my peers." I would say that is twisted political reasoning.


    California calls ReDevelopment the Unknown Government! The shuffleboard court lease is PROOF that We the People are considered Less Than an UnElected - UnAccountable Board!

    A "No" Vote group on heights LIED TO MY FACE when I asked 3 of them if they were paid to sign wave. The leader was PAID EXTRA then was APPOINTED to a BOARD!

    That is "PAID to PLAY"- and isn't that a really special kind of TRANSPARENCY!

    Clear as Duct Tape!

  4. "it is really important who is elected commissioner".
    Yes totally agree with you.
    God help us no more foreclosed, unemployed losers, obstructionist anarchists, life guards, carpet baggers or any other that you supported in the past.

  5. Yes it is really important who is elected mayor and commissioners. Our problem is qualified people do not want every mistake they ever made broadcasted all over town. So what do we get, Maxwell unopposed, Szerdi unopposed, Triolo with very little knowledge of the city elected. Remember this mayor had never sat on any board or attended any commission meetings. Please lets seek out and elect people who will put their heart into serving this city. Honest people we may not always agree with but who have the best intentions are what we need.

  6. Anony at 10:57. You don't seem to know that you already have one person on a major board who is in foreclosure right now. What about the guy on P&Z who had a DUI? What about another one who has a record for domestic violence? Great bunch of people you are supporting I would say. Are you the one always calling Lynn obtuse?

  7. 1:25 For my own sanity, what in the hell are you talking about.

  8. 1:25 You are why people do not want to run. Maybe you who is obviously perfect should run.

  9. lynn, was not your beloved alan west forced out of the military. guess he could not serve in l.w.

  10. Don't throw stones unless you want them hurled right back at ya--that is the moral of the story here.

    Someone hurled insults by saying:
    God help us no more foreclosed, unemployed losers, obstructionist anarchists, life guards, carpet baggers or any other that you supported in the past

    So what do you expect when they are pointing out the past as something bad versus the present.

    Just shows no one is perfect and one must know what in heck they are talking about before condemning one bunch over another.

  11. @2:49--that has to be the most stupid and totally false statement made lately.

  12. Greg Rice, member of the Planning and Zoning Board and President of Mango Groves Neighborhood Association owns 223 N M St with the big red tag on the front door.

  13. On a happy note, Loretta announced she would not be re-applying to the HRPB.

  14. What does the big red tag indicate?

  15. So this Rice guy owns several properties in our city with code and blight issues? Why do we allow this in our city to have these bums on our boards when they cannot even take care of their own dam property, how can they serve and solve the problems of the city when they cannot even be responsible for their own property, this is insane. Rice what do you have to say for yourself?

    "Greg Rice, member of the Planning and Zoning Board and President of Mango Groves Neighborhood Association owns 223 N M St with the big red tag on the front door."

  16. To the person who continually comes here to knock Allen West--and I know who you are--you aren't getting anywhere with me--Stop turning blogs around to denigrate West.

    Wikipedia: The charges were ultimately referred to an Article 15 proceeding rather than court-martial, at which West was fined $5,000.[14] Lieutenant Colonel West accepted the judgment and retired with full benefits in the summer of 2004. Asked if he would act differently under similar circumstances, West testified, "If it's about the lives of my soldiers at stake, I'd go through hell with a gasoline can."[15] At his hearing, West pointed out that there were no further ambushes against American forces in Taji until he was relieved of his leadership post on October 4.[16] After West's retirement he received more than 2,000 letters and e-mails offering him moral support.[14] A letter supporting West was signed by 95 members of Congress and sent to the Secretary of the Army.

    You liberals fight your wars in the manner that you want (and notice how much respect we have in the world today under Obama)(an if you had anything to do with wars there never would be any and we would be a communist country today), patriots like Allen West get the job done.

  17. Lt. Col. West is a Hero and a Patriot. I would gladly serve under his command at any time.

    The biggest threat to liberalism is the growing number of black conservatives. If more Americans of African decent realized that the conservatives offer them more ways to be independently successful with individual freedom rather that the "dependency" that the liberals promote that virtually makes and keeps them in slavery, the Democrat party would lose as many members as the Republicans have.

    Become independent. The two party system is broken and corrupt. Go back to the Constitution for clarification of what it means to be free in this America!
