Saturday, June 22, 2013

Mamma Mia at Lake Worth Casino

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Someone had asked me about Mamma Mia's (they have terrific pizza!) now putting tables on the south side of the Casino building adjacent to their unit so I decided to check to see if they had an agreement in writing with the city to occupy this space for normal business operations. They have always been allowed to occupy the common areas for special events but it has to be in writing and approved by the City.

This is what I was told:  
Mamma Mia pays for 436 sq ft of patio space on the front and side of the building per the section of the lease Exhibit H, Section 2.  They pay $15.00 per square foot for the space on the common areas. They can do this as long as they are not encroaching on the walkways or common areas and as long as they are complying with the Lease and the City’s requirements.

Further by staff: There is 4'-8" of clear space between the edge of the tables adjacent to the southernmost exterior wall of Mamma Mia's Tenant space and the south "core" wall of the Casino building. ADA accessibility requires 48" of minimum clearance for wheel chair accessibility. The seating layout does not compromise the ADA or egress requirements for this area.

So, there you have it; case closed.


  1. they have a nice little scam going on there where they dont accept credit cards and they have an ATM (that they own im sure) that charges like 4 bucks to take money out! the worst past is that there are no signs when you walk in that they are "cash only" until you go to the back of the place to pay. So if you dont know that they are cash only, you order in front...go to the back register to pay...and then are forced to add 4 bucks to your bill because of the atm charge. I went there once, saw the deceptive practice, and never went back. Basically i have to pay 4 extra bucks to eat there so they dont have to pay their taxes!!?? huh

  2. 11:41 To make your life a little better I suggest staying at home and microwaving your pizza and writing your congressman about the deceptive world picking on you. Cash is king, bring money with you.

  3. So follow me here and correct me if I am wrong. We basically issue ID to Illegals so they DON'T Carry CASH and get Robbed but it is Suggested we carry CASH to the Busy Beach to avoid a PENALTY for choosing an easier, safer method of payment.

    Such is Organic Branding!

  4. Thanks for the warning about cash only. That is a growing trend.It would be nice if there were some warning. You would expect a restaurant in this location to take credit cards. If Lynn says great pizza,it must be great. She is very picky !LOL.

  5. Unless you are going to the casino to specifically dine, then most beach goers don't bring a lot of they?

    What happened to the commenters who always kicked John G's in the butt for a cash only business? How come we didn't hear from you guys today condemning Mamma Mia's? Different tide?

  6. Mamama Mia's is good, nice pizza, but too expensive and what bugs me is if you asked for a cup of water, they won't give it to you, they say you have to buy water, they will not give you even water even if you buy their pizza or other things, I just won't go to this pizza place, they need to take credit cards and give out cups of water like Taco Bell and any other fast food places do, you are probably right about the ATM machine too. These places are so greedy, greedy to a level that I just won't bother to frequent because of this. I bet many who go there, go there once and never go back on a regular basis, they build their business only on masses of people at the beach not on regulars as many people would not go back if they have to pay so much, can't use credit cards, or can't even get a free cup of tap water with their pizza purchase.

  7. I would suspect that the high rental rate is a challenge for all of them. Maybe we could convince the City to put in a free drinking fountain at the Casino?

  8. Their pizza is good, but I will stick with Four Borther's Pizza over on 10th Ave and Florida Mango, it is as good or better, and they take credit cards, give cups of water, and are a little less pricey for very good pizza, I love their Sicilian thick crust pizza, to die for when fresh out of the oven at 11:30am.
