Saturday, June 22, 2013

Guatemalan Identification card and Passport Event in Lake Worth

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The Sheriff just closed down a house of prostitution last week run by Guatemalans so what better event to have than to give these people access to identification cards. It is all going hand in hand with Obama's amnesty--Lake Worth is on the cutting edge.

Guatemalan Identification Card and Passport Event
June 22 & 23 8 AM – 4:30 PM
North Grade Elementary School
824 North “K” Street

The Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office is hosting a Guatemalan Identification Card and Passport event along with representatives from the Guatemalan Consulate.  The Guatemalan Community will be able to obtain Guatemalan Passports and identification cards. This event is an excellent opportunity for the Guatemalan Community to obtain official government documents in order to help them better manage life’s daily affairs.  Chase Bank will also attend this event to provide information on banking.   The Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office, District 14, will be answering questions, and informing the community on such necessary topics as crime prevention and communication with law enforcement.  

The card shows a person's name, home address and fingerprint. The document will help open bank accounts, sign leases, buy health insurance and get phones. But it won't grant legal status or help them apply for a driver's license in Florida and other U.S. documents, said Guatemalan vice consul Carla Cruz.


  1. Palm Beach Post reported 3000 false IDs were sold to them by Levy Cruz then of Verneon Heigths(cause celebre).What did Sheriff's office do about that?
    They collect wellfare,foodstamps(not for Americans)etc.Cruz was arrested.Post reported 25,000, illegal aliens were sold Drivers'Licenses in Delray Beach.Discovered after investigation of employees(mostly like myself,non-white) suddenly arriving at work in Cadillac Escalades!
    What did the Sheriff do about those criminals ?They all voted for Obama.
    The elegant succesfull business American perfect gentleman with Government experience,Governor Mitt Romney lost election against fraudulent election, with 51,000 votes of 300,000,000 Americans.What did the C.I.A.,FBI and Homland security do?
    Several blacks anounced at CNN that they voted color, 6 times, becasue they wanted a black man in the White hOuse.
    P.S.:I am non-white!But respect and love this country, a result of legal immigrants of 200 years ago!

  2. The Palm Beach County Sheriff is rewarding the illegal Guatamaln mongrel's houses of prostitution by giving them pass ports and I.D,Cards??We did not increase their Contract with $3,000,000,- Lake Worth suckers, to establish Guatamalan Houses of prostitution for their deputies?
    Their duty is:Deports that thrash back to the Counrty where they created their own sewer living conditions!American taxpayers do not owe them .Sheriff deputies who look for Gutamalan prostitutes, deport yourself back with that offal!

  3. Oh great! At the same time maybe they can give out pictures showing a clean street and a trash can with directions on how and when to use it.

  4. What is ironic here with all of this is that they all came into this country illegally, they are illegal immigrants and because of this our law enforcement is supposed to be detaining them and deporting them instead, but no they actually overlook the crime that has been broken and give them ID's instead. Why don't our law enforcement at every level have the right to check immigration status and be able to detain. How can Americans have respect for any law enforcement at ANY level in this country? Law enforcement is broken and completely ineffective at every level in the USA, so many laws, but none are every enforced, it happens here in this city everyday. That is why no one respects police or law enforcement any more, they are a joke, they don't do their job.
