Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Debbie is an Abortion

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The House of Representatives will vote today on a bill that bans abortions nationally starting at 20 weeks of pregnancy, including babies at viability and all the way to the day of birth.
The chair of the Democratic Party tweeted yesterday against the ban, calling it extreme. Naturally, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida, the chair of the Democratic National Committee, didn’t tweet that she thinks abortions ought to remain legal until the day before birth — but that’s the position her opposition to the late-term abortion ban puts her on record as having.

Read more... at Life News.


  1. With the recent unveiling of what actually happens in these abortion clinics (some), the whole issue of abortion, killing of unborn human life, should be brought up again.

    The rights of adult women who have several options available to them before conceiving a child, and the rights of the (baby, fetus, unborn child, mass of organic material). Insert whatever you think appropriate.

    What are the chances of this Philadelphia doctor being the only disgusting, filthy abortion doctor in the country?

    What have we become?

  2. I don't advocate abortion, but I think it is a woman's right to make her own decision.

    If you think that Philadelphia doctor was horrendous, outlaw abortion and we'll go back in time to back alley abortionists and some real horror stories!!

  3. There is just way too much information out here today and way too much free birth control for all those who can't afford it. No excuse for late term abortions. A woman has the right to choose but not to murder.

  4. Too bad Debbie's Mom didn't have an abortion.
