Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Ban of Late Term Abortions passed in House

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In spite of the Democrats and five months of sometimes heated discussion, the House passed the Bill banning late term abortions (228/196) with Obama hinting at a veto. It is not expected to pass in the Democrat controlled Senate. Even Patrick Murphy voted NO.  Read more... at Life News.


  1. gop needs to stop wasting time on the things they continue to lose---they will lose big in 2016-- this is a new world we live in---we live for the future not reliving the past--life is about change and this world has changed---

  2. This idea has nothing, NOTHING to do with religion. It has to do with hypocracy.

    If a pregnant woman is killed in a car crash by someone who's drinking, they are charged with two counts of dui manslaughter.

    If a pregnant woman "chooses" to end the life inside her, that's ok. (except with the baby)

    How do you square that same life being treated two different ways?

  3. Abortion is murder and in any form it is inhumane and wrong, our society should not allow abortions in this country. Women just because it is your body, does not give you the right to kill an innocent child. Abortion and the death penalty are both forms of murder that we allow in this country and it needs to stop, we need to protect life and killing the unborn, it is NOT OK to kill a living creature inside of someone. God does not like that, one of our commandments, " Do not kill." We need to stop abortions all together, it must stop.
