Wednesday, June 26, 2013

CRA Lake Worth Neighborhood Enhancement Meeting tonight

Comment Up
More explosive comments now up!
TONIGHT at 6pm at the Shuffleboard Courts Building


  1. this cra has been useless and corrupt---does very little for our community compared to others---just look at our community --what have they done that on the up

  2. Anonymous: You are so right!!! What could be more corrupt than trying to create a neighborhood enhancement team. How much dirtier can you get than cleaning up neighborhoods. I'm glad you are keeping your eye on them, we really need your oversight around here in LW. Maybe you should volunteer to do some clean ups so you can get on the inside and find the real conspiracies.

  3. Lynn. thanks for bringing this to my attention. This is the first I've heard about this meeting!

  4. The problem is that they haven't cleaned up the hood. We had a lot of gun shots just after 6pm here on North D Street between Lucerne and 2nd Ave North, we have so many drug dealers, prostitutes, blight with boarded up buildings like at 1306 Lucerne, overgrown lots like at 204 North E Street, so many deplorable conditions, and the CRA is not cleaning this up, they haven't in the past 17 years of me living here. Time will tell if this NET is effective, it takes, more than citizens on the west being involved, we all have been, but we do not have the support of the city leaders, PBSO, or Codes to stay on it all and be consistent to finally clean it up, I am not so sure the CRA really wants that, they are then afraid they will be eliminated if they do clean it up. Time will tell. People in the west are losing patience with the city, leaders, CRA, and police, they ALL need to DO MORE bottom line!

    " Anonymous said...
    Anonymous: You are so right!!! What could be more corrupt than trying to create a neighborhood enhancement team. How much dirtier can you get than cleaning up neighborhoods. I'm glad you are keeping your eye on them, we really need your oversight around here in LW. Maybe you should volunteer to do some clean ups so you can get on the inside and find the real conspiracies"

  5. Thanks for posting this Lynn. CRA member Ozzie Ona will be leading the effort to help encourage the residents of the neighborhoods West of Dixie Hwy to become active participants in the ongoing improvement and maintenance of streets, sidewalks and front yards.

    We hear how almost immediately after a neighborhood clean-up, the exact areas start to deteriorate. So, with the help of people who live there and care about their neighborhoods, the CRA hopes to help establish an on-going network of residents, businesses and volunteers to address the problems that are so evident.

    The CRA is also actively pursuing demolition permits for some of the most flagrant abandoned properties that are havens for illegal activity and contribute to blight and slum conditions.

    We really do need the help and participation of the neighborhood residents. The few volunteers that always show up for clean-ups can't do it if the residents don't help.

    There is quite a bit of enthusiasm for the newly reconstituted Neighborhood Association "Royal Poinciana". If it can continue to gain momentum, we can get a large number of properties cleaned up and/or demolished.

    Hope to see a good turn out tonight at the shuffleboard courts.

  6. Why do they announce it on the same day that it is to be held, not weeks before so people could plan to attend, if you are away, out of town or have another commitment, they need to plan ahead and let people know way in advance. The CRA sets its own self up for failure, but that it what it seems like it wants. Too, the biggest problem with this city is their inconsistency, that is why they are always ineffective, the city, CRA, Code, and police are all way too inconsistent, that is why we never see any long term sustainable improvements in our city. Inconsistency is the big problem here in LW.

  7. @ 10:45--I am sorry--this is entirely my fault. The CRA sent this out several weeks ago but I have found if I put something out in advance, people forget about it. I will try and weigh when I publish something for future events.

  8. I had already made plans for this evening when I saw the meeting announcement several weeks ago. I would be very interested to participate, but I am pretty disgusted with the city's feeble efforts to "enhance" my neighborhood.
    I don't think that expecting residents to do the city's work is an acceptable method of enhancement. We have asked over and over for traffic calming, but all we get is excuses. Not living on a veritable freeway would be a great improvement, and make my area feel more like a neighborhood and less like an entrance ramp to I-95. The CRA promised many times that they would address it once the Gateway project was complete, especially since the project exacerbated speeding and traffic volume problems we have experienced for years. But when the project was done, the CRA patted themselves on the back for coming in under budget and moved on, ignoring our pleas and their promise. Thank you, CRA.
    And how about the board up program that was supposed to be supported by the Foreclosure Fund? The commission raided those funds to shore up the general fund when they reversed the Fire Assessment. What little was left, they wasted on a code enforcement officer. How's that working out for us? If the funds had been used for board ups, as they were supposed to be, an assessment would be placed on the property owner's tax bill and the fund would be replenished that way to pay for more board ups. But now it's gone, never to be replenished. Bad decision, in my opinion, and very detrimental to my neighborhood. But my neighborhood is obviously not the commission's concern. Bragging about saving me $60 per year on their campaign literature IS their concern. That $60 could have saved us from robbing the Foreclosure Fund, got some properties cleaned up in my neighborhood, and helped to improve property values for some of us.
    Good luck to the Neighborhood Enhancement Team.

  9. Incidentally,your block and neighborhood are an eyesore. Properties are not maintained. I feel sorry for us who keep our homes painted and lawns manicured. Somehow other neighborhoods get volunteers for cleanups. Why not T.R. We get a few, but not many. 11:34, maybe lack of pride holds us back.

  10. Laurel, Many of us get out in our own neighborhoods and help in other neighborhoods to do "the city's work" because it really does help. Not only acceptable, but makes a huge positive difference and gives those who volunteer their precious time a feeling of accomplishment.

    After awhile, you realize that we ARE the city. Sure, it's easy to point fingers and say that they should do this or that, or you can get out there and do it.

    People on a street going from Lake Worth Road to Lake Osborne Drive complained until they got traffic calming and now are complaining about the device installed.

    Are you an active member of your neighborhood association? That would be a great start to getting what you want for your neighborhood. Traffic calming included. Persistence is the key. I listen to many city commission meetings and have heard from many residents asking for traffic calming. Many have received them, but probably not on the first request.

    This commission seems to be very accommodating in that regard. Maybe you could try again. This time it might get done.

    Hope to see you out there some time. You'll love it.

  11. Everyone should be responsible for their own damn residence--not everyone else's. Laurel works very long days as a CPA and involves herself in other ways within our city...she won the heights amendment as an example of something very positive. She pays taxes to take care of this.

    As far as the traffic calming on Akron, it is a ridiculous and obnoxious and insulting attempt by the city to shut those people up. So now you suggest that everyone who uses this city street start shouting louder over two years to get a "real" speed bump installed. Great.

    The city needs to use common sense to begin with and people need to clean up their own properties on a daily basis if needed. It is not the responsibility of everyone else around. You want to feel good about cleaning up crap, go for it.

    These people need to be fined if they cause unsightly yards, etc.

  12. "Ask not what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your country." Lynn, your post at 3:45 is insulting to all of us who volunteer.

  13. Sorry I hit a nerve. You just made my point. Laurel said it is the city's job, you say it's every body's to keep their own space clean or get fined. Some of us just pay into a HOA that does it for us. What ever it takes.

    Problem is, there are people from other countries that live here now that have different cultural ideas of what is acceptable. It will be the people who care enough about their neighborhood to establish what those guidelines are and communicate it.

    Sure, just call code. Attend tonight's meeting to see what code is up against. It could be enlightening.

    Many of us work hard. Many don't have time to get involved. In spite of that, many of us do get out and clean up crap. And, yep, we feel good about it.


  14. You want to volunteer in order to feel good about yourself, I said, go for it. Just don't make other people feel badly for not doing what you're doing. You have no idea what other people do in their lives. I will give you a great big pat on the back the next time I see ya. Perhaps that will cure your feeling insulted. )

  15. I'm with Lynn . . . I have no intention of spending my Saturday mornings picking up other people's garbage. And I do make non-political contributions to society. I just don't blog about it and harangue others to join me.
    I was very active in my neighborhood group until I didn't feel welcome anymore. That aside, Jessica Plotkin and I have raised hell about traffic calming for years. This is not the first time I've brought it up. My opinion, after years of trying to get it addressed, is that the problem is not the commission and never was. The problem is staff and has been since Mike Frey.
    And Lynn is right about the speed bump. It was not properly installed and cars were lined up to go over it when I went down Akron yesterday. Not a very professional job. They're going to end up paying for damage to vehicles.

  16. Good, can they do that to the boarded up building that is all blighted at 1306 Lurcerne that is attracting all the prostitutes and drug dealers to hang behind it all the time and hide there fromt he police, you see them all behind that building. Blight breeds crime, that blight at 1306 Lucerne should be demolished too then since the owner does nothing with it, blight breeds crime, that blight does, just yesterday we had a lot of gun shots come from near that property, it is all bad news, the CRA and slum boarded up owners need to assume more responsibility and clean up this blight and boarded up messes that attract druggies and whores.

    "The CRA is also actively pursuing demolition permits for some of the most flagrant abandoned properties that are havens for illegal activity and contribute to blight and slum conditions."

  17. I am with Laurel, we have tried to volunteer and gave sweat and tears for year for this city to help get it cleaned up, and they do not do their part of the bargain for us who live and own here, you reach a point when their lack of follow through and consistency only works against all of our efforts to make it better over here. The big thing that is bothersome is the lack of responsiveness for the police about crime and from our city leaders about codes and improvement efforts in the west. We do not even have complete sidewalks in our downtown west of Dixie on C, D, and E Streets on one blocks between Lake and Lucerne, you have to walk int he road as we do not have complete sidewalk over here, they just do not care of even try to make things better for the residence west of Dixie, their mentality is that most are illegal immigrants who can't vote anyway, so we do not have to improve this part of the city. Our leadership in this city stinks, so are the slum owners like the one who owns the boarded up blight at 1306 Lucerne. The common folks deserve better in the west. We are the ones who care and have given it all with no return from the city to do their part for us.

  18. 1306 Lucerne............ Give it up already. Although boarded up, it is painted. The owner is not required to occupy or rent it out. He keeps it clean. Graffiti is never left there and is painted over immediately. Even the recent spray painted "1306" was painted over and new proper numbers were painted in place of the shoddy way someone is doing that. The business on the East side though apparently throws all kinds of debris on the roof of their neighbor's building. THAT looks trashy. So does the little tent bar-b-que they operate in front of their business, but I would never complain about that. Last time I passed the 1306 building, little children were playing soccer in the back yard that is kept clean and maintained enough for them to have that area to play.

    So why don't you piss up a rope that needs to be pissed up. There are many many worse buildings that are not even boarded up, cleaned up, painted or maintained like that building.

    Your obvious obsession is with the owner. Get a life.

  19. Sorry, but no one in this city needs to accept boarded up buildings and often unkept properties like this one that harbors all the druggies and whores behind it all the time. No one has to accept this mediocrity Mr. Rice, so you get a life and assume responsibility for this dump, we who live in front of it should not have to look at this piece of crap. This has to be one of the top worst buildings in our city for its people to see on a main thoroughfare of out city, it looks horrible, every one has their opinion and no one as to accept mediocrity from slum property owners no matter how rich or famous they are, keep up the fight until it demolished or alive and well.

    "1306 Lucerne............ Give it up already. Although boarded up, it is painted. The owner is not required to occupy or rent it out. He keeps it clean. Graffiti is never left there and is painted over immediately. Even the recent spray painted "1306" was painted over and new proper numbers were painted in place of the shoddy way someone is doing that. The business on the East side though apparently throws all kinds of debris on the roof of their neighbor's building. THAT looks trashy. So does the little tent bar-b-que they operate in front of their business, but I would never complain about that. Last time I passed the 1306 building, little children were playing soccer in the back yard that is kept clean and maintained enough for them to have that area to play.

    So why don't you piss up a rope that needs to be pissed up. There are many many worse buildings that are not even boarded up, cleaned up, painted or maintained like that building.

    Your obvious obsession is with the owner. Get a life."

  20. Agree with the above poster. Mr. Rice just wants to use his fame, power, and money to bully others into accepting this blighted building in our city, maybe he paints it some, has it cleaned up once in a while, but in general it is usually overgrown, tagged with graffiti, attracts vagrants, etc. the boarded up thing and the big hole in the roof all adds to the blight, blight attracts crime,and that is what this building has done over the years, I agree it has nothing to do with the owner personally, it has everything to do with the conditions and problems this property causes to the neighborhood, blight and crime, on top of it a visual eyesore for our citizens. No one should use their power or fame to influence or try to make others accept their mediocrity or lack of responsibility. Let's all face it, if that building in the current condition it is in would not be accepted in College Park, North Lakeside, Bryant Park, or South Palm Park NA, the owners there would raise a stink if it was in their neighborhoods in the current conditions it is in. So why is it allowed to be like this on the west side? because it is the hood? Because most people who live here are immigrants, illegals, etc? Why do they all have to live next to this blight that attracts crime? Even last yesterday and last night all the druggies and prostitutes were all trespassing hanging out on it. Mr. Rice needs to stop trying to silence people telling them to piss up a rope, or stop your obsession with the blight of the building. If you want respect Mr. Rice you need to earn it, stop being irresponsible and settling for mediocrity. You say, " The business on the East side though apparently throws all kinds of debris on the roof of their neighbor's building. THAT looks trashy. So does the little tent bar-b-que they operate in front of their business, but I would never complain about that." So just because those businesses are owned by poorer people and cannot keep them looking as nice, that is your excuse why you keep your place a dump even when you have the means to improve them. Would anyone in College Park want that dump of a building and property next to their property? Or in any part of the city? I doubt it. Most other NA would be on your case a lot more until YOU DID SOMETHING. Rice is using his power and fame to push his mediocrity and irresponsibility on the rest of the city by keeping the property the way it is. It has everything to do with the building and the actions of the owner in how they maintain it. NO ONE should accept the mediocrity of Rice, no one, we cannot surrender until all of our city is brought up to a decent standard of looking better and cared for. Shame on you Mr. Rice for your intimidation.

  21. Rice you need to get a life. Stop pushing your low standards on the rest of us using your fame and stature to being able to keep a boarded up and blight building in our city. All citizens have the right to obsess all they want until things are up to snuff for all of us. We need people who care in this city, who have high standards for making our city look better no matter what part of the city a property is in. Blight breeds crime, Lynn talks about that all the time and your blight is breeding that crime in our neighborhood whether you want to accept it or not. It is unacceptable , the citizens of Lake Worth deserve better than what you have to offer with your mediocrity.

    "Your obvious obsession is with the owner. Get a life.""

  22. The ironic thing is that Rice was on the Chan. 5 news the other night shown doing an anti-bullying workshop for kids in our community, what a joke, and he is a bully himself trying to silence and intimidate people, not assuming responsibility for his actions, making others have to live in crime infested neighborhoods that he wouldn't even live in himself by keeping a blighted boarded up crime infested building in another part of the city, and this is the role model we want to talk to our kids about bullying? Is there something wrong with this picture, the irony here, ay ay ay Rice. If you want real respect, it is going to take a lot more than doing a workshop about bullying, practice what you preach, assume some responsibility man.

  23. Your blog is a platform for people who do little but complain a lot. Lynn, you are fixated on 1306 Lucerne. The building is boarded up, graffiti painted over regularly, and backyard maintained. apparently you are envious of Greg Rices standing in our community, despite all his volunteering. I know you and your buddies look down on volunteers as evidenced by miss deckers posts. Lynn, you donot live in our neighborhood, so quit being a spokesman for people not taking action. Look at what our western neighborhoods look like and kindly quit dicouraging people inclined to help.

  24. I have written against slum and blight, that is true. I have NEVER, however, written a blog about 1306 Lucerne. When you make an allegation, will you be sure to get the facts correct? Thanks. Also, in case you haven't noticed, I write about a lot of things. You don't OWN your neighborhood. Everything in it affects all of us in Lake Worth. I have NEVER been a spokesperson for your neighborhood...would not be that presumptuous. Hell, I am not a spokesman for MY neighborhood. We ALL have eyes, anonymous.

  25. Thank you Lynn for your blog, info.and insights always. I agree with you Lynn, Mr. Rice seems to forget that we all live here too and have eyes and see, and many of us do not like what we see at 1306 Lucerne, a blighted boarded up hole in the roof, crime attracting hell hole. He obviously has much lower standards or thinks we all should settle for his mediocrity by accepting that building being in our neighborhood in such conditions, it is OK for him, but not for many who live by it, it attracts crime, it has for a long time, if you look closely, people use drugs there and shoot up, look for the needles. it is almost always tagged with graffiti, it is and continues to be a real problem, the blight breeds crime for us, Rice obviously has no education or respect for his fellow man and thinks it is HIS RIGHT to keep this dump. All he will ever go down in history for being is a slum property owner, we all volunteer too, do clean ups, work, contribute, and want a better Lake Worth, if we didn't care, we would not bring these issues up, we want a cleaner, safer, more orderly neighborhood free of blight and crime Rice, what is it that you do not understand about your dump and how it affects the rest of us who live by it or the entire city? Shame on you Rice, keep up the bullying, it will catch up to you someday. Everyone has the right to their opinion and a right to want to decent looking neighborhood without boarded up blight and crime which your property harbors.

  26. Greg, we all know that this place at 1306 Lucerne is a dump, you need to do more, it is not fair to anyone who lives in this city, get off your high horse and take this opportunity to be humble and make a real difference for the city, stop being a coward, be a real man, stand tall.

    " Anonymous said...
    Your blog is a platform for people who do little but complain a lot. Lynn, you are fixated on 1306 Lucerne. The building is boarded up, graffiti painted over regularly, and backyard maintained. apparently you are envious of Greg Rices standing in our community, despite all his volunteering. I know you and your buddies look down on volunteers as evidenced by miss deckers posts. Lynn, you donot live in our neighborhood, so quit being a spokesman for people not taking action. Look at what our western neighborhoods look like and kindly quit dicouraging people inclined to help."

  27. Do you all know that he also owns 1320 Lucerne as well, another boarded up and blighted place that always has all the illegals hanging in the day for work and the druggies and prostitutes hang there are night, these places attract way too much crime and blight. Every day and week this corner 1320 property is trashed by all the people loitering an hanging on it, there is even a lot of junk and old cabinets and crap all over the back of this property, they city has some green paper on it citing the property for some issues. I can't believe that Rice also owns 1320 Lucerne too and keeps that all boarded up and blighted too, for how many years do the people and city have to put up with these dumpy places on one of our main streets? Rice you should be ashamed of yourself! How many other blighted properties do you own in this city other than these two dumps? What an embarrassment, you should be really ashamed of yourself, the western citizens do not deserve your dumpy property, the police and city just cleaned up that one on the corner for you back in May, don't you have enough money to do that yourself? Rice you are bad news, we should report you to the news.

  28. Rice speak for yourself, you should be inclined to help yourself and clean up your mess, how dare you offend all the people in the west who try to keep up their properties when you do not do the same, you bring down our neighborhood by how you keep your place, you have for 10+ years of owning that blighted dump that has had so many citations put on it over the years, we will keep reporting you until it is like College Park, your conditions are completely unacceptable to us in the west, Rice I am sure you would never want to live next to any place that looked like one of your places at 1306 or 1320 Lucerne since you own both and have both boarded up, blighted, and allow druggies, illegals, and prostitutes to trespass and hang there all day long. You offend us with your actions and lack of responsibility to your fellow man.

    "" Anonymous said...
    Your blog is a platform for people who do little but complain a lot. Lynn, you are fixated on 1306 Lucerne. The building is boarded up, graffiti painted over regularly, and backyard maintained. apparently you are envious of Greg Rices standing in our community, despite all his volunteering. I know you and your buddies look down on volunteers as evidenced by miss deckers posts. Lynn, you donot live in our neighborhood, so quit being a spokesman for people not taking action. Look at what our western neighborhoods look like and kindly quit dicouraging people inclined to help.""

  29. Wow, I wish Rice would sell those places on Lucerne just so you would stop complaining about it so much on this blog!
