Tuesday, June 25, 2013

After the Sunset

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  1. Beautiful photo Lynn, just lovely, so peaceful and nice. I wish we could have the same peace and serenity here over where I live on North D Street between Lucerne and 2nd Ave. North, we had a lot of gun shots just after 6pm tonight, it is a crazy neighborhood, we have so many problems with drug dealers and prostitution all over North D Street from Lake to 2nd Ave north, just crazy and we do not have the police presence we need to deter and get rid of this craziness. Pray for us for our safety and our peace and serenity, like you all have over in Lake Osborne. I might need to go over there to look for a new place to live if the PBSO don't get things cleaned up here soon.

  2. Thank you, anonymous.

    I too, wonder where in heck the Sheriff is. Considering what we pay them, we shouldn't have ANY crime in this city. Our streets should be patrolled routinely and often. Driving down one street at one time during the day is not cutting the cake.
