Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Vacation Rentals in Lake Worth

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1023 N 'L' Street

Prices on owner's Facebook page just a few days ago--
nightly prices have now been deleted--

Per night (USD) $175 - $250
Per week $1,085 - $1,505
Per month $3,750 - $5,320
  • Bedrooms...3
  • Sleeps...8
  • Minimum Stay 2 nights

This is one of the "vacation rentals" operating in our city...a business that was opened in an historic residential district AGAINST our ordinances...against our laws. The owner of the property, Carol Lewis calls her house a "HOTEL" but she is operating it like transient housing.

See her Facebook page where she calls it a "hotel."

I have a big problem when people buy property in our city, knowing the laws but still want to do what they want.  And now, they want our city commission to change the rule just for them so that they can have a commercial transient housing business in our neighborhoods.

True, this property is well maintained but think of the problem that will be created down the road when others come in and do the same thing under the guise of "vacation rentals" and do not take care of the property.  Houses of ill-repute right next door to you...day laborers coming and going. Don't we have enough people breaking our laws? Anything is possible and if the can of worms is opened, every bad nightmare is probable. We can't take care of our hundreds of code issues now.

The commission, instead of thinking about the money it will make on a business license and bed tax or even stretching the issue to protect "property rights," needs to do the best thing for our city and that's to enforce the laws on the books and PROTECT ALL THE REST OF US. We don't need to cater to the very small minority or change our laws that are already fair, for those who want to use this city for their own special interests.

This issue was to be decided by the commission tonight but instead, our city attorney will talk about it at the end of the night during his segment of the agenda. The City is paranoid about lawsuits and this vacation rental owner has suggested just that. Hopefully, the city will do the right thing.


  1. It should also be noted that the house can be rented by 6 people with pets for two days. Those folks get to move in and party for the weekend right next door to the owner of a home that though he was buying in a residential neighborhood. After they leave a new group comes in. You have no idea who these people are that are coming and going. When asked if she would agree to limit rentals to at least a week or longer Carol Lewis refused saying she is entitled to rent any way she wants. She could not do this in West Palm Beach . Why should she be allowed to do this in our city?

  2. i donot have an opinion on this issue except if they all looked like this one, who would care. but they will not and people will work around the law to set up any busness they want. what irks me is they are not licensed, pay residential utilities, are not inspected, call this a hotel, advertise sleeps 8 and flaunt loopholes in our laws. while i would not mind this next to me, you know somebody, would set up some party house idea somewhere else. so, i guess i have an opinion!

  3. I do not know, this is a real can of worms. I know some senior men who come to LW every winter and rent out a house, recently renting from another person that I know, he rents his house out for two months, lives with his sisters during this time, so the couple can have the house for two months, they pay about $7000 for two months, it includes all utilities. They are all decent people, one helping the other. It is a tough call all this stuff about rentals. I see more problems in this city with local renters renting houses or apartments, hanging all over the streets, not caring for their properties, adding to the blight of the city, they short term type seems OK, it is not hurting anyone. The long term rental issues are a much bigger problem, most of them do not care or take care of the place or city. Tough call, I wish our leaders would enforce more, the laws for slum lords and the like to clean up this city and all the blight, that is the bigger issue in our city, always has been for many years now. We need more homeowners living in their own homes here in this city, taking care of their properties.

  4. Wow! at those prices, thinking I should rent my very large intracoastal home out and buy a smaller home to live in now that the kids are gone. Thanks for the idea!

  5. Renting out your home for two months or longer as a seasonal rental is perfectly legal. Renting you home on a nightly basis like a hotel is not legal.

  6. Even if they look pretty, I care. Think about how your scheduled when you are on vacation, you stay up late, you drink, you party, you'd play music, you'd enjoy the pool, etc. Think about the neighbor next door that has to get up at 5 am or 6 am, who has kids who need their sleep. Even if this is the best maintained property in the world, have it rented by the night or week is going to have a negative impact on the CITIZENS of this city, those of us who live here, who work here, who pay taxes, who vote. Why don't our elected officials care about us?
