Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Academy of "Negative' Learning

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Tonight, portable units at the Charter school come back on the agenda--

Back in June 2011, the Planning & Zoning board approved the Site Plan to allow a Charter School at 1200 N.  Dixie Highway. The vote was 5 to 2.  Those who dissented, Chair Lynda Mahoney and board member David  Brodie, said it was not in keeping with the city's Master Plan or what its vision was/is for the Dixie Corridor. Those board members who did approve, told the school that portables, are not traditionally allowed in the HIC zoning district but would be allowed for 16 months only and then they had to erect permanent buildings.

There were ten Conditions of Approval and William Waters, Community Development Director, informed them in writing to remind them of the agreement. I doubt if many of them have been satisfied.

Now months after the deadline to build permanent buildings and remove the portables, the Academy for Positive Learning  became the school of negative learning for trying to pull a fast one on the City of Lake Worth--it says that if it installs skirting around the bottom of the portable units and tie them down it will be, voila, permanent! All along they knew this was not acceptable by the entire former Planning & Zoning board at the time and not acceptable by the City of Lake Worth and against  the Conditions of Approval. But here's the good part:  And on April 13, 2013, the newly politically appointed Planning & Zoning Board consisting of Rinaldi,  Rice, Sherwin, Parrilla and Zacks approved the school's charade and total lack of compliance and granted  their wish.

Recommendation by Lake Worth's Building Official:

"It is strongly recommended that no application, or variance, or exception be entertained for the Academy of Positive Learning at 1200 North Dixie Highway due to Life-Safety requirements, safety, health and general welfare concerns for children who currently are enrolled azt this educational facility.  it is further recommended that the relocatable/portable.modular classrooms now in use b removed from the property at 1200 North Dixie highway prior to the beginning of the 2013-2014 school year.

Bottom line--When the city grants a special exception(s) the applicant must comply with all the conditions. To do otherwise, is disrespectful at best. We cannot continue to give exceptions to businesses or residents who constantly believe they are playing some sort of game and are out to win by hook or by crook. We can only hope that they are teaching their students to obey the rules even if they want to change them.


  1. I'm confused. The quote from the Lake Worth Building Official says that NO application, or variance, or exception be entertained.

    Isn't that what you want?

  2. That's exactly what I want, anonymous and I am hoping that the commission sees it that way too.

  3. One of the many instances,in which the present Commission seat occupants are proven totally spineless,useless!
    They are now sitting there to enforce all Laws, Ordinances, building Codes, of which I have a copy of.
    Reducing the 60 days vacation rentals ,bringing in tax revenue,to 30 days ,undercuts, reduces the City's tax base. That troupe of offal, has not been able to create ONE single source of revenue, to increase our tax base,needed for sustainability.That offal does not even know how,as proven.
    The odious offal,wannabee College Parker,more Dixie HWY, which placed them in those seats are the Cancer of this City.They prevent Lake Worth from ever electing an honest, moral,pro-Lake Worth high taxpayer,, with thorough knowledge and experience of Lake Worth.

    Fools, who listen to that loud abrasive, vulgar Dixie Hwy.corner,subversive trash,vote for its'ignorant creatures,which that loud vulgar monster forces down their throats
    ignorant with all history, 17 City Depts. characters,faking knowledge and achievement for Lake Worth!
    One known Lake Worth porno peddler,as a Lake Worth real Lady alerted me to,this rude,no-manners primitive bestial greasy character,managed the favor of that vulgar harridan, whom even College Park has followed like sheep.Result, City Dept. employees running wild, closing of the Taxpayers paid for swimming pool by a brazen Parks and Recreation employee whose salary is paid by those Citizen owners.
    He denies young children to learn swimming, hoping they will drown,so he does not have to work.

    The spineless Commission occupants, are afraid to tell him that is his duty! If he does not like it, throw the bum out ,we have 100 others who want that job!

  4. Anonymous,
    Bravo for acknowledging the Comprehensive Plan Laws.
    Did you vote for the totally useless, non-achievers ,now occupying our Commission seats?
    There is more subversion from their side to come.They take credit for having made Lake Worth a tourism destany, when we have for 10 years worked ,finally only with Commission member Suzanne Mulvehill,realizing our efforts,a business MBA,managed to get the 1921 Mediterranien style Lake Worth Casino, re-created.BEFORE the present spineless element took our Commission seats.

    Their only achievement: fear of CRA Joan Oliva,we pay $120,000 salary,.They dare not stop her succesful action of turning the City ,founded by honest hardworking Americans, into a low income gettho.They allow her to destroy Lake Worth's appeal, its historic houses,and replace them by low-income rentals, or build them for $110.000 and sell them for $90,000,- to low-income people,who default after stripping appliances, vanities, AC parts,then destroying them.
    Lake Worth taxpayers, your Commission is preparing our City for becoming another Dunbar Village, Cleveland low-income house district where monster,bestial Castro managed his 10 year party with torturing 3 young women.Joan Oliva legacy, encouraged by the foul present Commission seats occupants!

  5. Really dumb posting those vicious comments. Everyone knows who authored them. They will haunt a guy who may entertain a run for office.

  6. It's free speech the last I checked-- no one screwed around with our Constitution to that extent--yet-- even though they are trying damn hard from the local level on up.

  7. The ranter above makes some sense don't you think? We are now going to have trailers on Dixie Highway.
