Thursday, May 16, 2013

Terrorists plan major attacks on U.S. soil

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Iran has given the go-ahead to operatives of three terrorist groups that have infiltrated the United States to carry out missions, including what is expected to be a Mumbai-style attack on a hotel where innocent bystanders would be killed, WND has learned.

It will be something like the Mumbai attack in 2008

More than 2,600 targets, including public places, government buildings and military installations, have been chosen for attack, and reconnaissance has been done. Information about some of the targets, based on direct knowledge of the source, has been given to U.S. officials to neutralize the threat and confront the terrorists. They include specific government buildings, news networks, malls and sports events.

This new coalition has also prepared for a major attack to avenge al-Qaida leader Osama Bin Laden’s killing to satisfy Seif Adel, the operational head of al-Qaida, for his collaboration with the Iranian regime.

Read more... at WND.

1 comment:

  1. If its going to be "along the lines of the Mumbai attacks" then, once again, it will be a false flag done by renegade CIA hitmen.

    Notice a Pattern? WE are running (sponsoring) the terrorists all over the world. WE are running the drugs all over the world. The CIA, now beholden only to the "U.N." is doing it ALL, and has been for a long time.

    The terrorists in the Indian city of Mumbai, who killed more than 150 people and injured over 300, used the same tactics that Chechen field militants employed in the Northern Caucasus, says Russian counter terrorism presidential envoy Anatoly Safonov.

    Chechen rebel leaders Shamil Basayev and Al Khattab were trained and indoctrinated in CIA sponsored camps in Afghanistan and Pakistan. “[In 1994] the Pakistani Inter Services Intelligence arranged for Basayev and his trusted lieutenants to undergo intensive Islamic indoctrination and training in guerrilla warfare in the Khost province of Afghanistan at Amir Muawia camp, set up in the early 1980s by the CIA and ISI and run by famous Afghani warlord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar,” according to Levon Sevunts, writing for The Gazette, Montreal, 26 October 1999. See Michel Chossudovsky, Who Is Osama Bin Laden? Research on Globalisation, September 12, 2001.

    Of course, this is old news. Now the CIA is doing it to Americans.
