Thursday, May 16, 2013

Lake Worth on the Mend?

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Lake Worth officials are non-partisan and the way that Missy Diaz has written her article and attorney Michael Weiner has STATED his comment you would think that all past commissions in Lake Worth never did a damn thing right. And since Mr. Weiner brings political Parties into this, if it were not for some of our past commissions, progressives to boot, we would not have our beach redevelopment; we would not have our own Reverse Osmosis Plant; we would not have saved Old Bridge Park from a condo highrise; and the budget HAS TO BE balanced by law.

The uber-liberal central Palm Beach County city – best known for its fringe population of self-described anarchists who regularly make national news for heckling conservative candidates and causes – elected a smart-growth, pro-business, pro-development Republican mayor, writes Diaz.

Read more about Lake Worth Mayor Pam Triolo and how this article implies that she has single handedly cleaned up and turned around Lake Worth by 180^ according to Greg Rice.

We still have the slum and blight. We still have the crime. We STILL have the potholes, and now this commission wants to spend $63 million filling them in.


  1. The mayor is starting to campaign early it seems. The article never mentioned that she was behind building higher buildings in the downtown and sided with the liars, one of whom she says is her good friend, Greg Rice.

  2. Pam said, they were going to eliminate the Sheriff’s Office contract and go back to being a local police force.”
    TOTALLY WRONG MAYOR. They were looking into the cost vs our own force. They never had a public conversation about ending the Sheriff contract.

  3. Triolo is not responsible for ANY gains that this city has made! As a matter of fact, any gains in the past ten years have been made IN SPITE OF Triolo and her friends. What a bunch of useless liars.

  4. It is rather curious that they haven't flinched an eyelash on $63,000,000 but complained profusely about the $60 a year fire assessment. They still can't afford a tree at the Cultural Plaza. Don't mean to be flippant but...
    It was an extremely favorable piece for the mayor put out by the Republicans. I guess this is what we have to look forward to in local politics. The Chamber's been doing it for years so what the hay.

  5. crime is horrible here. What is she doing about that? Will it be solved by building higher in our downtown? Was that the strategy?

  6. Too bad the mayor feels like she has to either 1) take credit for what prior commissioners accomplished 2) poor mouth the same commissioners to make herself look/feel better.
    I'm sure the mayor is all of the things Mr Weiner says she is (pro-growth, pro-development). I believe that the mayor probably can do some good things for LW, but she hasn't yet. There is still lots of crime and lots of drugs in my neighborhood. This is just a fluff piece, written by Mr Weiner and the mayor for their friends at the Chamber. Yea! We're finally going to gentrify that silly town so we can feel edgy and cool when we walk down the street in our bermuda shorts and golf shirts.
    Not sure why Mr Weiner is described as active in local politics. According to the supervisor of elections, he hasn't voted in PB county since 2004. Maybe he really meant that he's been busy lobbying local elected officials on behalf of his developer clients. I'm sure nothing excites Mr Weiner like a new cineplex and a Starbucks on every corner.

  7. The problem with Pam the mayor and all the elected officials is that there is no follow through, they tell you what you want to hear when you meet with them and then after never follow through or do what they say. I am sorry, I will not vote again for Scott, Pam, or Andy, they are liars and do not address the blight and inequalities the right way in this city, they have no real respect for us citizens, telling us one thing and then never following through, how can we respect them and this way of running a city. They should be ashamed of themselves for not cleaning up this city of all the blight and code issues here, they are to blame. Liar may sound strong, but it is accurate, they say things they do not do. I do not trust them any more.

  8. Triolo does not keep her promises, in other words lies. As for the article and Greg Rice, he is another, now his boards are falling off his boarded up roof caving in scumbag of a building at 1306 Lucerne Ave that is always uncared for and over grown. If he really cared about our city, he would make his property look much better on a main thoroughfare of our city. How can you respect people like this? Rice just holds on to this property with hopes to make millions to sell it for a sky rise or BIG DEVELOPMENT there someday. He doesn't care about anything other than $! Lots of crime happens right on this property or nearby it on a regularly basis, crime is what this blight attracts, thanks Mr. Rice!
