Thursday, May 30, 2013

Immigration bill will lower standards for Americans

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NumbersUSA says: The Senate Gang of Eight immigration bill would offer a minimum of 33 million lifetime work permits in the first decade alone (11 million to current illegal immigrants, 11 million to new legal immigrants in a continuation of the current system, another 5 million chain migration relatives of immigrants who have applied but are waiting for their slot in other countries and 6 million new immigrants through new categories and expanded existing categories of immigration). The 33 million in a single decade is almost half of all immigrants who have ever entered the U.S. in its history.

Meanwhile, federal reports show that 20 million Americans want a full-time job but cannot find one because too many people are looking for too few jobs. This disenfranchised population is disproportionately less educated (no college), disabled, veterans and Black and Hispanic Americans).

More than a thousand lobbyists for corporate special interests are pushing legislation to keep the U.S. labor market loose and to lower the wages of most U.S. workers, both foreign-born and U.S.-born.


  1. Immigrants generated surpluses to Medicare totaling $115 billion from 2002 to 2009. In comparison, the American-born population incurred a deficit of $28 billion over the same period.

  2. Anderson...isn't that an Irish name? German perhaps? Funny the same despicable things you repeat now were said about Irish, German and Italian less than 100 years ago.
    History will prove immigration reform is yet another thing you are going to end up being on the wrong side of. Again.

  3. European immigrants did not break our laws.
    Define "despicable." REALLY?
    I like to think that I am on the RIGHT side of issues such as the heights in the downtown.

  4. America must secure our borders(that means not letting criminals sneak across it anywhere)before any kind of meaningful immigration reform can happen. Much has changed in the last hundred years in regard to the immigration needs of this country. Comparing the immigration of 100 years ago with the immigration situation today is meaningless and ignorant. No country on earth can survive with open borders. It ceases to be a country. The numbers quoted from the New York times, or from anywhere else for that matter , are bogus. NOBODY KNOWS how many, how much ,etc. about the immigrant population in America today. And that is a very dangerous place to be.

  5. We are talking about legal entry into this country. Any person can be a criminal but not every person is a criminal immigrant. Get it? :)
    YOU might be a criminal for all we know.

  6. I don't get lynn anderson's comment at 2:31pm. Who is she referring to???

  7. Probably Peggy Fisheye.
