Thursday, May 30, 2013

Gang of eight ignored ICE Union President

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ICE Union President Chris Crane testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on April 22, 2013. Crane testified that as the representative of 7,600 immigration agents, he was not consulted by the Gang of Eight in their drafting of a "comprehensive immigration reform" bill. Crane said that numerous special interest groups were all invited to the negotiations, but the law enforcement agency tasked with enforcing immigration laws was not.


  1. I just don't understand how Marco Rubio could have been so naïve as to get tangled up in this. As a conservative , I feel betrayed by his actions. He's a Senator for God's sake. Did he start to believe his own press? Marco forgot one of the universe's cardinal rules- if you are going to sleep with snakes, you just might get bit. Wave bye-bye to your career Marco. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice ,shame on me.I won't be voting for Mr. Rubio again.

  2. Sometimes you just have to trust someone...that is what Marco did. The government has NEVER secured our borders and they won't this time either. For Marco to give Obama the benefit of the doubt really is naive. Secure the borders FIRST. Stop allowing the socialists and far left liberals ruin this country.
