Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Welfare State - Now it's Obama phones

No one seems to be talking about our growing and unsustainable DEBT anymore. Have you noticed that?  There have been way too many issues that have taken over front page news...terrorists who bomb and kill in our country and who this administration believes are NOT enemy combatants, for one.

However, the debt continues to escalate to unimaginable levels. Right now, we owe $16.798 trillion dollars and we continue to give away our money, borrowed to boot, to the enemy.  Now "free" phones are back in the news, the Lifeline Program that was started 28 years ago to provide discounted phone service to poor folks.

Our poor is growing, thanks to the crappy economy and the vast unemployment as well as the 11 to 22 million illegals in this country taking American jobs. And Obama wants to play games with sequestration.

Under Obama, “the Lifeline program has nearly tripled in size from $800 million in 2009 to $2.2 billion per year in 2012. American taxpayers — and their elected representatives — need to know how much of this growth is because of waste, fraud and abuse.”

Read about it

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