Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Quote of the Day - Allen West

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Dzhokhar Tsarnaev will not be declared an enemy combatant, will be charged in federal court and read Miranda rights. This is just another example of how we need to have leaders that are flexible in their comprehension of this 21st Century battlefield and the application of the rule of law. This battlefield knows no borders or boundaries and we must develop new processes and procedures in dealing with American citizens, born and naturalized, who take up arms, not just overseas, but on American territory against fellow Americans.

We have two previous cases, Carlos Bledsoe and MAJ Nidal Hasan, as examples where both attacked and killed Americans and soldiers, in the name of violent Islamic jihad. The rule of law and precedent is vital, however, these actions are treasonous and when they result in the death of Americans, the harshest penalty must be pursued. These people should be declared enemy combatants (for intelligence gathering purposes). They deserve the constitutional rights of a fair trial in the American court system…and then the hangman's noose.

~Allen West