Monday, April 29, 2013

The Crazy Mother and America's bleeding-hearts

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We allow just about anyone into this country. Can you even imagine doing background checks on the estimated 24 million illegals in this country? Now we have to worry about naturalized citizens who become radical. Who can say that some of them were not that way all along?

Now we learn that the Boston bomber's mother, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, who wears a hijab gathered tightly under her chin, was also in a federal Terrorism database 18 months before her sons set off two bombs in Boston thus killing and maiming innocent American citizens. This is the crazy woman who is a terrorist who denies her sons did any of this and says that they were "set up." There is also a warrant out for her arrest for theft while she lived in this country.

The Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment database contains between 500,000 and 1 million names of people on the radar of various national security agencies, but a person's presence on the list does not automatically mean he or she is suspected of terrorist activity and does not automatically subject them to surveillance, security screening or travel restrictions. Read more...

By the simple fact that someone is listed in this database should be reason enough to deny them entry into this country. We don't need immigrants that badly. But then, future terrorists can simply walk across our borders and be given royal status--food stamps, healthcare and government stipends and then turn around and kill us because there is no wall that will be built high enough to keep them out and no amount of reason to ever change their minds.


  1. This is exactly what they're doing. They are migrating here already radicalized to cause us harm. I bet there are thousands in this country legally. We end up supporting many of them just like we did with these bombers. Disgusting.

  2. They laugh at us knowing how easy it is to do and we even fund it now. Unbelievable! Wake up America and stop being so weak. They is exactly how they see us. I personally blame the bleeding hearts. LW is fully of them so we are ripe for this to happen even in our own community. Makes me sick to see how our country is going.

  3. This woman and her children are the lowest of the low, and all like them must be weeded out of our country.

    But how do we protect ourselves from scum like James Everett Dutschke a member of the Republican Party, who sent poisoned ricin laced letters to our highest government officials?

  4. There are idiots and crazy people in every Party. I guess we could start doing research to prove that point.

  5. Denying entry to immigrants is easy...but what do we do about the home grown americans???

  6. Denying entry to immigrants is EASY???????????? Is that why we have 22 million illegals in this country.

  7. echoing anonymous @ 7:21am
    what do we do about the home grown americans????????
