Monday, April 29, 2013

Quote of the Day - David Stockman

“The head of GE, for crying out loud, says Obama’s doing a great job...Give me a break.”

~ David Stockman, former Congressman and Ronald Reagan Budget Director

The quote is referring to Jeffrey Immelt, head of GE. Stockman blasts everyone in his new book, The Great Deformation: The Corruption of Capitalism in America. from the GOP as irrelevant, to the neocons who are only oriented to an aggressive, imperialistic foreign policy of big defense establishment and suppression of our civil liberties, to George W. Bush and to Obama.

He further states to Newsmax--“When you have wild men, like Bernanke and company, running the Fed and just crushing the financial system and savers in America, when you have people like the president and the Congress that’s unwilling to make any tough choices about anything, and just keep borrowing money on the grounds it’s going to get better in 2017 or something, you are in big trouble.


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