Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Palm Beach Environmental Attorney responds to "Master of Spin"

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"Regarding Public Interest Editor Matt Reed’s column last Sunday, How nature beat the environmentalists, Reed sure is a master of spin. He’s spun Miami Corporation’s mission to build more than 23,000 residential units and 4.7 million square feet of commercial in its 57,000 acres of mostly swamp into a miracle of conservation."

Read more of Lesley Blackner's article, Columnist, a Master of Spin


  1. I'm pretty sure Palm Beach Island was an environmental dream prior to the rich building their big houses on the beach and filling in the intracoastal for more land. Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.

  2. 1:27 ,your ignorance shows no bounds. Palm Beach was settled over 100 years ago.Do you own a time machine to go back in time and change what has been done to Florida?Well neither does Ms. Blackner. Do you contend that Ms. Blackner's thoughts on this issue are not relevant because her house sits in a county that was settled over 100 years ago? What an idiot. Corporation representatives are being allowed to talk out of both sides of their mouth. Much like the "law makers" that this double-speak is funding.Profit motivates you, you creep. Nothing else but money motivates your greedy ,soulless life.
