Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Caving in to the Easy Way Out

Today, the Senate (Gang of Eight) will have a plan for a pathway to citizenship for all the illegal aliens in this country--all 11 million or is it 22 million of them. Most all polls reflect that we want a plan that will give all these people an opportunity to be citizens of this great country because frankly, it is impracticable and impossible to send them home or even to protect our borders. We opened up that can of worms and now we have to deal with it.

We had other plans in the past and all they did was encourage more illegal aliens here. The entire illegal problem escalated 4 times. They say that the government will spend billions of dollars in new border-control measures, including "surveillance drones, security fencing and 3,500 additional federal agents charged with apprehending people attempting to enter illegally from Mexico."

Where's there's a will, there's a way

Conservatives have long argued that a pathway to citizenship already exists, and that we don't need to have the Gang of Eight, Obama's gang or any gang for that matter dictate and revise the immigration system--that we should enforce the laws that we already have. If all this idealism does NOT work, heaven help the land of the free, the United States of America.

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