Sunday, April 28, 2013

Mess of the Week

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535 Wright Drive

Appraised at $73,276, the last time it sold in 2006 the buyer paid $232,000 for this little 1281 sq. foot house. The banks were nuts back then and those buying into the American Dream were a part of the craziness. The property is not homesteaded but the owner's mailing address is the same as the property.  There used to be someone in the landscape business who lived there who at least kept the property up--not now.  Perhaps they consider this xeriscaping--full of flowering weeds. There is even Santa wrapping paper used to cover one front window.

Not to mention the overall unkempt condition of the property, the code violation is the vehicle parked on the front "lawn." Today, two cars, the norm, were parked on the front yard.

As our neighborhoods are getting more blighted each day, which is the biggest detriment for people to move here and own a home, it will be interesting to learn what Vice Mayor Scott Maxwell will be doing to clear it up.  I hear he has a plan.

We still don't understand why Code Enforcement can't send out a notice to the owner soon after they are informed about blighted houses/properties. Why can't they investigate the complaint and confirm the code violation and tackle owner occupied properties first? These could get cleaned up quicker than those abandoned or those foreclosed.


  1. this is where social media can make a huge difference on a local level. This should be the focus of the local blogs! You guys could make a huge difference in the visual aspect of this city! Keep it up

  2. Yes i agree with poster 1:07pm, But lynn did you ever stop to think that your name is written all in your blog? With your name the papa site can find your address, as you have done to many others with public information. Safety issue? Is your condo well lite? I mean who knows what people can and what great lengths they can take when you report them. Maybe someone they know reads this blog and tells them who you are?
    I mean dont get me wrong, just a thought, this is a crazy world we live as witnessed the horror in Boston with regular ordinary neighborhood people..

    Just sayn...

  3. One of the major problems in this world is that people are afraid to take a stand--afraid of their own shadow at times. Can't deal with that sort of person...This house is being rented and any violation will be against the owner. If you report any property to code, you can NOT remain anonymous. What else are we to do? Let the deadbeats take over the city? They have done a great job in that respect already.

  4. Very true lynn,people are afraid to step up! Those Texas DA's stood up, even on national TV "we will find the scum that did this"
    Then a week later both of them got killed...
    Definitively deadbeats!!!

  5. Thanks for planting the seed for the next nutcase out there.

  6. Why the covered windows? This is probably an A. Brothel, B. grow house, or C. a safe house for illegals being smuggled in. Hope Bradshaw's "shoot first" boys and girls are taking a break from their civilian target practice to keep this place under surveillance.
