Sunday, April 28, 2013

James "Pepper" Martin is gone

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A lifetime resident of Lake Worth and a graduate of Lake Worth High School and honored sports hero, James "Pepper" Martin, 85, has passed. To read his obituary, click here.

Pepper Martin was a fixture on our Lake Worth beach for decades. He was head lifeguard and ran the concessions at the beach and was a former Recreation Director of Lake Worth.


  1. A wonderful Man, always kind and friendly.Super person and athlete.
    A natural.
    You will be missed.

  2. Really Sad, he was a great guy and an icon in this city for many years!
    I guess Joe is the last survivor from the older LW lifeguards. Best of health to him! Seen him on the tricycle on lake ave...Wait on the sidewalk? Illegal LOL

  3. Pepper Martin . . . and George Jones, the country singer, too.
    Of course I remember Pepper Martin -- a tan, muscular guy always over at the beach. He looked sort of how you wanted to look, back then, as a young guy. Pepper Martin, 85 and gone.
    I think I read one time that he played softball and was good at it. I am guessing he was good at lots of things. He probably did OK in life. I didn't know him.
    Another now-gone part of the Lake Worth we grew up in.
    ---Paul Darst

  4. I just read about Pepper's passing in the Lake Worth High School alumni news. We remember him so well at the beach. He was so friendly and always said hi.

    My how the years flew by.

    Maurie and Bernie Puhlman
