Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Let's kick the bums out!

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West Palm Beach voted to kick a citizen out of its meeting because he addressed a few on the dais by name.  Tsk, tsk.

Read about it.. and see Glen Torcivia, Lake Worth's city attorney, giving an opinion.

1 comment:

  1. Funny this Constitutional lawyer
    didn't understand what a guaranteed republic or 'representative' government was - I asked him myself about it and a specific situation and he DID NOT understand the "Supremacy Clause" in the Constitution?!?
    We the People are guaranteed
    a Republic! That is the Law of the Land my friends - everything else is an act of pretended legislation! Ever read the Declaration of Independence of the united States of America?
    We got ticked at the King for similar behavior like our reps now that act like kings and queens! They work for and are paid by US - "Employee's" is what they are and they need to be regularly reminded who their bosses are and knock this "project shut up" crap off!
