Monday, April 15, 2013

Lake Worth lawyer missing and so is millions

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Lake Worth lawyer skips out and millions missing

The firm's main office is at 2135 S Congress Avenue in Lake Worth but the firm also has an office at 30 S M St  Lake Worth, FL. No one knows much about it. They only see one guy coming and going. It was reported to me that the Sheriff was there the other day.

A few days ago, this story broke in the Post but I wanted to call everyone's attention to it.  Doctors and lawyers used to be pillars of our society. We all looked up to them. There are crooks in every profession, as we have been finding out. Abortion doctors killing live babies and now a foreclosure attorney absconding with possibly $50 million of escrow money.

I contacted one of Lake Worth's own foreclosure attorneys and asked him what he thought about it all. Here is his reply:

"Crazy, never met the guy but I've biked by his office. vultures - that's what I always tell prospective clients to beware of.  I've heard more horror stories in terms of people being swindled by attorneys and/or "loan modification experts" who promise the moon than I care to recall.


  1. How can you post crap like the last comment? Just because you don't like Andy? I thought you wanted people to post facts and not personal attacks?

  2. You think that's bad? You should have read the stuff I did NOT post.

    Andy, being heavily involved in the downtown and the DCA, is subject to some 'cracks" for things that happen in the downtown such as Dylan Harrison popping in to his store for a chat. He can take the heat.

    I draw the line when it comes to personal attacks, things for which no one has any control, i.e., weight, looks and that sort of thing.

    I can't screen comments that closely and analyze every little thing.

  3. Lynn is involved.

  4. The first anonymous was a question. It wasn't actually accusatory. Your comment stated that I WAS involved. See the difference? Probably not. LOL.

  5. andy has made no difference---nothing has changed other then his residence in lake worth--the downtown is worse--going out of business is what is going on in the downtown--and no upscale business will even come here---andy your failing our downtown district--the ones making it in our downtown are criminals who open up store fronts which are for criminal activity--remember dylan harrison and the kava bar--and atlantic insurance on lucernce--there are a few more we are looking into---the rehab centers

  6. Pam ,Andy ,Scott and Zserdi have done NOTHING for this city other than spending OUR money on THEIR trips and refusing to let their own citizens vote. The pool is still closed. Our public right of ways are being stolen(there's the sound of crickets). The city looks crappier than ever. What in the hell do our city employees do for eight hours a day? Tonight's consent agenda contains OVER 600,000 of OUR money that WE can't comment on. Pitiful!!Can we PLEASE get rid of these crappy non-Commissioners?

  7. andy you wanted to be elected to improve the business district --you failed --the only thing that is upgraded downtown are the criminal running illegal business fronts----kava bar--atlantic insurance --if your a criminal lake worth is your place--andy amorossa loves criminals and dylan
