Monday, April 15, 2013

Is Ethics Debateable?

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Most of us don't have a problem understanding what IS or is NOT ethical. But get lawyers involved and it becomes muddied or they will argue their client's point of view, right or wrong. In a legal sense, sometimes what is unethical is not, at least in their eyes or perhaps even the Court.

The article in yesterday's Post front page is about Marty Rogel, a man behind Palm Beach County's Ethics Reform, who works for a County department. "One of Palm Beach County's leading ethics activists who fought to rid the county of its corruption-tainted image has made tens of thousands of dollars from a no-bid marketing contract at the public agency where his wife works as communications director." Former commissioner Karen Marcus said, "If you want everybody else to live by a certain standard, you obviously have to apply that to yourself." Marty Rogol said he went out of his way to make sure that what he was doing was "ethical" by hiring a lawyer who gave him a written opinion. His lawyer? Lake Worth City Attorney Glen Torcivia. As someone said to me, "We're in trouble."

Michael Bornstein congratulating Glen Torcivia,
another nice guy


  1. mr bornstein is such a great gay man---he fights for our rights---thanks michael love you

  2. Your choice of adjective here--I am Assuming you mean that he is a jolly fella?

  3. i don't trust a city attorney and a city manager who play goo goo eyes aLl night at each other and then look at mAxwell for the smirk of approval.
