Sunday, April 14, 2013

Heights Amendment in Lake Worth - Watch Out for the Killer Bee

Comment Up
 Question 2

55.86% 1,291
44.14% 1,020


The NO Group--Friends of the Gulfstream...$10.86 per vote

The YES group--Respectful Planning Pac.... $ 4.78 per vote

The Friends spent close to $1,500 for people to wave signs at the various precincts on election day and another $400 for two campaign coordinators, one being Haitian. In-spite of the lies and confusion and the treachery, the NO Group still lost. As few trust these politicians and their "friends," some are wondering what they have up their sleeves. They have been way too quiet and certainly not conciliatory. They go about their business in public like that ton of bricks never scratched them.

In the words of Karen Carpenter, perhaps "We've only just begun." Sometimes when you think it's over, you soon discover that it's only the first step.


  1. Not conciliatory? We should be "sorry" for wanting Lake Worth to prosper? Wanting jobs? Wanting Growth? Wanting the best opportunity for the Gulfstream to open again? I have come on this blog several times and congratulated you for your "win". It was definitely your win and not a win for Lake Worth. You were successful in throwing up one more road block to the redevelopment of Lake Worth. One more time... Congratulations. You should be proud of yourselves! Remember... whatever it takes.

    Even though you won, you'd think you would be happy. But you constantly show anger at what you call lies and deceit as though it didn't happen on the anti-development side.

    Most people I spoke with at the time would have accepted a hotel district East of Federal allowing for higher hotels only, but that was not offered in the amendment and you all refused to debate the issue. You also refused to compromise on that one issue.

    You used scare tactics and "lied" as much as the pro-development side. You had emotion on your side, we only had facts. And facts went by the wayside.

    Conciliatory? No. We lost. Sorry we lost. That's all.

  2. Thanks for your perspective. We have heard it all before. It didn't work. Lake Worth won and you guys keep beating it to death. As someone said on this blog, raise another banner.

    This referendum was NOT about a hotel district. Make your district and allow buildings to be built to 45 feet.

  3. Our lost of the "NO vote and therefore the possible lost of growth and prosperity in Lake Worth was only a wakeup call to get us organized and ready to fight the infidels. We have only just begun.

  4. It's a pity that this commission just does not want to acknowledge that they lost and that they never understood what was behind the vote--people who were not fooled by the lies. There was absolutely NOTHING TO DEBATE. Some of their friends are the same people who are pizzed off that OUC was selected instead of FPL as our energy provider. You lost again.

  5. "WE" keep beating it to death?

    How quaint.

  6. The Gulfstream group was devious and clever. They raised a lot of money quickly. Everyone needs to follow it to understand it. You can create jobs and growth with 4 story buildings. What a silly argument you have. No one lied on the yes side. You have ruined your credibility and the only way you can win this is to LIE ONCE AGAIN and twist the facts to your point of view. Ain't gonna happen on my watch.
    Respectfully, of course.

  7. You should post the 'No Vote' campaign report. The only way they could get help holding signs on election day was to pay people. Even the Chair's nephew got paid.
    That election was all about money for them.

  8. The ONLY thing that the No Group did, was drive another Nail into the Coffin Of the City, once again proving that they want nothing but Blight. At the rate your group is going we will soon be part of the county, and then The Anarchists can move to another City to destroy. Look out Belle Glade We are catching up faster than you think.¿.¿.¿

  9. Yes, sleeping dogs are lying. Get it? hahaha

  10. 11:54 you got one right. The NO group did try to hand over our city to developers and special ingterests. Your post just shows how your argument is so twisted. Proof positive.

  11. People who changed their minds (and yard signs)obviously thought there was something to debate. I guess the anti-development crowd thought there was something to debate. If not, why not debate? What were you afraid of? People actually being able to hear the give and take of why it was smarter to vote against limiting Lake Worth further?

    "You can create job and growth with 4 story buildings" is idiotic. There is no one wanting to build ANYTHING in Lake Worth.

    With the exception of NSP-2, just what is proposed?

    Until you get behind a "business friendly" attitude instead of the "Citizens Against Virtually Everything" bunch, Lake Worth will continue its downward slide.

    You want to limit the possibility of any high end development and then criticize that only "poor people" will live here.

    You all are certainly setting your sights "low". Congratulations.

  12. As said, twisted argument. Only you and your group are buying it.

  13. Lynn, does it bother you in the least that you back the "Earth First" and "TWAC" radical groups and that they are very involved in everything in the city that is against the conservative values you espouse?

    Would they back you up if you went to the mat for Allen West? 2nd Amendment rights?

    I guess it's true politics makes strange bedfellows.

  14. I am curious as to how you jump to your conclusions and believe that certain groups should not have a voice at the table. Are you against the transgendered community?

    I never said I backed any group other than Respectful Planning PAC or committees with which I am affiliated. Thanks for your misstatement and twisting the truth as usual.

  15. Why was voting YES business Un-friendly?I voted yes. I want businesses to come to Lake Worth and prosper. I support higher bldgs on Dixie and in the Park of Commerce. I LIKE (except for the out of place Lucerne Bldg.)my downtown the way it looks.I enjoy shopping and supporting my downtown merchants. I have NO RESPECT for people who confused the issue on purpose and broke the law. (Keep Lake Worth Lo-Rise,vote NO)!!!!!Want to see REAL slum and blight? Go to the corner of Woolbright Road and Federal . Go to the corner of Gateway and Congress. Drive around the neighborhoods off of Seacrest in Boynton Beach to get a handle on how that Commission forgot that it was supposed to represent the citizens of Boynton, not the developers that cashed in on it! Katie Mcgiveron.

  16. Katie,take a look around Lake Worth, You do not even have to leave the City. Blight is everywhere, if we do not do something soon, Lake Worth as we know it will be gone. You, and your groups attitude of no COMPROMISE NO MATTER WHAT is what is killing this City of. I Love Lake Worth, but IF something is not done soon. Lake Worth will be nothing but a MEMORY. How long BEFORE all signage in this City will need to be in Spanish, and Creole¿¿ I want to live the life I had when I moved here over 30 years ago... But if We as a community do not move FORWARD we will have NO future, because we will be gone. Consumed by the County, and be NO MORE.

  17. We had a compromise--45 feet. I would have preferred 2 story buildings in our downtown. How do you figure the lack of 20 more feet is killing this city¿¿¿¿ You argument is flawed and your hysteria is unbelievable.

  18. 45 feet, a compromise, what a joke, it was your, the no groups way, or the highway, how do you get off calling that compromise.

  19. OK--you are now badgering. Delete button next.
