Sunday, April 14, 2013

Earth Day at the Lake Worth Cultural Plaza

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It was another awakening yesterday..the "earthy" problem of living in Lake Worth. Earth Day was held at the Cultural Plaza, a place that used to have a lot of charm and pride for us all. Not any more.

Our Cultural Plaza is not being maintained.  Staff cuts down a big shade tree without permission. The grass is going to weed. The fountain is still inoperable. The berries from the ficus tree have been dropping and allowed to stay on the pavers with people trampling them into the brick. The place should have been mowed before this event, swept up, pressure cleaned and made to look spiffy so that people would have a desire to come back. I couldn't help but think of our beach and what will/could happen there. Through total neglect, we had to build a new casino. Instead, it is the same old complaint we have had for years--no maintenance on our assets--totally ignored by the City. The mayor, with her heart in the right place, arranges for a citizens volunteer clean-up and the neighborhood associations do it all of the time. The downtown has become one big flea market, as one resident pointed out. Crime is everywhere and although I did not witness any panhandlers yesterday, they are often seen in our downtown.

I want to purchase a paver at the Cultural Plaza as does Commissioner Amoroso for his Mother but have been hesitant. If this plaza continues down the blighted path, it would be an insult to our loved ones' memories just like our Cemetery.


  1. What do you expect Lynn¿¿¿¿ When over half the City ( including yourself) pay´s little or no TAXES, Departments have to be cut...............

  2. There is basically only one person concerned about the small amount of taxes I pay on my very small condo. Having said all of that, get rid of the SLUM AND THE BLIGHT in our city allowing property values to rise. Maxwell ran on that platform and so far, all is worse. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT other than personally attacking me over a property tax situation of which I have no control Stop being the MEAN person you have proven to be.

  3. Lynn I do not know who you think I am But I have lived in this City for less than one year, and All I know is that with over half the population of OUR City paying less than there fair share WE will never get a head. Services have been cut ONLY for the simple fact that there is NO money to provide them. If YOU and YOUR group have a problem with this maybe you should all GET involved instead of bitching and causing MORE problems from the SIDELINE

  4. Well, guess what...I have been here for decades--you for one year. Why don't you GET INVOLVED and find out what TF is gong on. How about that for a START. What makes you an expert after ONE YEAR? AND TO SAY IT AGAIN--I don't belong to a GROUP. I have an opinion based on continuous involvement in local government as a resident observer and researching and studying the issues--one interested in the truth. Obviously, you are not one of those people. Why in heck did you move here if we are in such sad shape???? ¿¿¿¿ You are quick to judge after one year. How about starting to learn the truth of the matters at hand. Speak to anyone other than someone in your chosen group. I invite you to call Laurel Decker or anyone else other than the dirty dozen. Bringing awareness to problems is not just BITCHING. It is being involved.

  5. I recall reading a "guest blogger" on this site from a guy who moved to Lake Worth from California. This guy lived in Lake Worth for 7-8 months and already knew that 4 story buildings and lower were what this town needs.

  6. Lynn, you have been talking about slum and blight as the major issue confronting this city for years now. The city must do what it takes to combat this major problem. Even Pam doesn't understand and believes that code was gutted. Wrong. If you're so concerned about property values falling, then look to special assess for services. Tax the poor disproportionately to their income. That will be fair, right anonymous?

  7. A guest blogger residing here for 7 or 8 months. I have no idea who that could be. Send me link. But knowing you want a city to remain low-rise is not something you need to study in depth. The biggest reason that I encountered when talking to people was that was what attracted them to our city and to buy here.

  8. Lynn, I think "they" want to build on this site and are doing this as a way of showing that development will help the city. Clever, aren't they?

  9. You know it really does not make sense to blame one person or any group for that matter for the lack of tax mony in the city. Get a grip and stop ragging.

  10. Anon at 3:41, and Lynn, It was not this Commission that made Lake Worth a Sanctuary City back in 2009, This is ONE THING that can not be blamed on Pam, Andy,John, And Maxwell. This was the Start of our demise as far as how property looked, and how many people were living in a single residence. AKA the Start of Blight, and Landlords who did not live in the City, and did not Care how their property looked, as long as they were getting theirs. Lets start by putting the Blame where it belongs.

  11. You think we became a hell hole because of the commission of 2009? I have news for ya. This place has been one big dump for decades. It got worse when immigrants migrated here and were encouraged to live here by socialists and the churches and bleeding hearts. Do you think that the commission decided to spread the word and invite all these people here to mooch off the government and live in our city to hang out their laundry on the nearest bush? When did they do that? The federal government would not do anything to help us and cops were not allowed to intercede. You can't and couldn't even call ICE.It became the total hell hole when the economy went belly-up, people lost their jobs...started renting out to every tom, dick and idiot who came along just to survive. It became a hell hole when people learned about Lake Worth, who spread the word, and migrated here and started living 20 to a room knowing that this poor little city did not have the manpower or resources to do one damn thing about it. i agree...absentee landlords have been one big pain in the butt and the foreclosed properties that went back to the banks are even worse. it became a hell hole when all you liberal progressives out there encouraged open borders and by doing so, ended up sacrificing a sweet town that is costing us dearly for public safety with crime out of control.

    What we can try and blame on this commission is the loitering of all those migrants who hang out on Lake getting picked up for labor. Tell them to find a way to end it. And then you will find out there is not one damn thing they can do...just like every commission before them.

  12. Agree, city needs to maintain our assets. I have the same complaint about the Gateways. They spend so much of our money to build and renovate these areas and then a year or two later it goes to pot.

    As for the panhandlers, I don't know what the City can do about the homeless. West Palm and Ft. Lauderdale have the same issues. The best thing to do is not to give them money and then they'll go up to WPB. Same for the feedings in the cultural plaza, it of course attracts a big crowd of homeless. And while I have sympathy for them it really negatively impacts the ability for the rest of us to use the plaza or walk to the library.

  13. Lynn, PLEASE it was the Commission of 2009 that made this city a Sanctuary City, it was the Commission of 2009 that GUTTED code, It was the Commission of 2009 that turned our MONEY MAKING Shuffleboard Courts into a Resource Center for the Migrants... And if you drive down Lake Today instead of the previous years you will see instead of 100's hanging out looking for jobs we might have 20 or 30, they now hang out a Home Depot. This is what we got from the BCE, and the BCME and god help us if we do not get Ms Stanton back we will be doomed for ever

  14. Please don't come over here and post stuff like that above. It really makes you look silly.

    1. the shuffleboard courts were never money makers. they were a place for seniors usually to have tournaments and recreation.
    2. there might be a smaller number of illegals hanging out on Lake today because of the economy and LACK OF JOBS.
    3. We have 7 code officers,(2 of whom are JAG officers) the exact same number we had when Stanton was here and prior to Stanton.
    4. It is so ridiculous to continue to rehash all of this.

  15. Speaking of "earthy" just ,saw Cara Jennings mat Costco.....she looked about 7-8 mo preggers....Oh say it is not so.

  16. She is due within the next few weeks.
