Sunday, March 17, 2013

Your Leprechaun Name

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Your Leprechaun Name

Loretta Sharpe:  Sprinkles McWoozy
Greg Rice:  Wooly McNob
Mary Lindsey:  Stumpy O'Bourbon
Charles Wesley Blackman:  Goldie McTavern
John Rinaldi:  Greenie McNob

William Scott Maxwell:  Bleary McSmelly
Christopher McVoy:  Shillelagh McSmelly
Pamela Triolo:  Sprinkles O'Shivers
Andrew Amoroso:  Dizzy O'Blaze
John Szerdi: Greenie McWoozy
Michael Bornstein:  Tater McTavern

Laurel Decker:  Tater McMuffin
Carolyn Deli:  Bleary McMuffin
Katherine McGiveron:  Warty McSmelly
Barbara Jean Weber: Sprinkles McSpud
Helen Marino:  Greenie McSmelly
Pamela Perini:  Sprinkles McFeverish
Lynn Anderson:  Greenie O'Blaze

Happy St. Patrick's Day

"May your thoughts be as glad as the shamrocks. May your heart be as light as a song. May each day bring you bright, happy hours. That stay with you all the year long."


  1. Sorry, Katie. That is a terrible name.

  2. hehe all those No liars just keep proving themselves that they are alien beings and contemptuous at that. They are the main reason this city will never come together. No one trusts them and sheep followed them down the garden path to lake Worth's ruination.

  3. WHAT A LOSER--Still making stuff up, and being a complete jerk I see. Who is this, besides a coward I mean. Sprinkles McWoozy or just one of your other hateful "friends?" Find a little love. Go to church today--it will do you world's of good.

  4. Lynn, you're getting to them. Keep it up. Some people collect friends. The difference here is that you are selective and only associate with good people. You don't need a lot of sheep to confirm your worth and you give facts, not running your mouth all of the timed spouting hate. Thanks for all the effort over the past several months to get the win. Big news. Did you notice how the Post down played it all?

  5. I noticed. Also they did not print my Letter to the Editor in reply to Andrew Marra. It made too much sense. In fact, Marra never answered my e-mail.

  6. I do have a terrible Leprechaun name!LOL.I guess that I would be a terrible Leprechaun. Thanks for some giggles, Lynn Katie

  7. Maybe you didn't follow their rules. Or if you did, maybe they don't print pieces they feel are "propaganda".

    They have the option, as you do, to print what follows their line of thinking.

    They are also an advocacy site and do not claim to be "fair and balanced" like Fox News.

    Sound familiar?

  8. 10:57 how in the world does "your getting to them" help us. as a homeowner west of dixie id be gloating if our neighborhoods looked like theirs. ours doesnt. the blasts of katie and company arent hurting the no vote. its hurting us. do you ever post comments of disenchanted yes voters. are solutions ever posted on your blog. myself and friends are getting up. print this.

  9. I just posted yours. 20 feet has nothing to do with slum and blight west of Dixie. Incidentally, their neighborhoods have slum and blight as well--don't kid yourself. Speaking the TRUTH will not hurt anyone. To be afraid of the truth, will hurt us all.

  10. P.S. It is up to our elected officials to lead us out of this mess, not sell off our city to the highest bidder.

    If you have solutions, let's hear from you. Do you guys ever have solutions other than outsourcing public safety and kissing up to the Unions that have broken our city, giving away our beach, giving away our water, etc and just overall criticizing anyone who has a different opinion--calling the State Attorney's office as AN EXAMPLE??????? LOL

    Ask Obama, perhaps he has some solution to get the country on track. Then it might trickle down to all the rest of us. That was sarcasm.

  11. Yeah, by Mary Lindsey and Greg Rice. How lucky can I get?

  12. You lost because you are nasty pieces of work.Get a life.Get over it.You freaking lost.Why do you have to resort to personal attacks?You must be very uneducated and just the sort of person who deserves to be a loser.i voted yes because I like our downtown the way it is.You did not convince me to change my mind.You lied and continued to lie from the start.I am very happy yes won.
