Sunday, March 17, 2013

North Dakota takes stringent stand on abortions

Thank God there are some morally ethical politicians.

The North Dakota Senate approved banning abortions after six weeks.  We euthanize unwanted animals while they are still in their cages and far worse is the sanctioned killing of the unborn who have heartbeats.

Obama once said, "I will stand by the guiding principle of the decision, that government should not intrude on our most private family matters, and women should be able to make their own choices about their bodies and their health care."

"Obama has consistently refused to support legislation that would define an infant who survives a late-term induced-labor abortion as a human being with the right to live. He insists that no restriction must ever be placed on the right of a mother to decide to abort her child," according to On The Issues

The right to life should be guaranteed to all.

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