Thursday, March 21, 2013

What Lake Worth has in Store for you

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Besides the Enterprise zone--

Planned Development District:  Division 6. Planned Development Section 23.3-25

Planned Development District.

a) Intent
 The intent of this section is to encourage through incentives the use of innovative land planning and development techniques to create more desirable and attractive development in the city. Incentives include but are not limited to:
  •  (1). Relaxing or waiving of height setback lot dimensions and lot area requirements
  •  (2). Allowing an increase in density or a decrease in minimum living area per dwelling unit; 
  •  (3). Permitting uses or a mixture of uses not normally permitted in the underlying zoning district.

Planned development districts can occur in all residential commercial and industrial districts with the exception of the convenience commercial district. The increase in density contemplated shall not exceed the density provided in the Lake Worth Comprehensive Master Plan.


The two-story NSP houses in the 300 block of N D St are a "planned unit development."


  1. Variances are legal ways for companies and individuals to break our laws. When someone wants to come into our town, presumably they have done their homework and know what our rules are. What we will and won't allow.However,with enough money,and enough friends on city boards, nobody has to follow those bothersome laws(wink,wink,nudge,nudge).Just ask Paul Kintz and John Lang how the game really works.
    And if it seems like some old fool on a city board actually will not bend the rules for you, then throw a hissy fit and threaten to sue the city. That usually does the trick. Just ask Greater Bay.Or Paul Kintz. Or John Lang.

  2. When you contract with people to annex into you city Paul Kintz and John Lang then change the rules. What would you suggest they do roll over and play dead.Your are talking
    about 4 more units than were allowed by the county.I understand the Lord´s
    Place wants to build rehab units in Lake Worth maybe they should contact then.

  3. Save Our NeighborhoodMarch 21, 2013 at 3:50 PM

    The County allowed 5 units to an acre. They wanted 20. Did you mean 4 TIMES what the county allowed? Was that a typo? Paul Kintz and John Lang were asking for CONTRACT ZONING--that is ILLEGAL. Did you know that? Lords Place and rehab units--what about over there on South Palmway?

  4. If Lake Worth is serious about increasing it's tax base, go to College Park and build condos on the intracoastal. That there's primo property!And think how many more sheep Mary Lindsey could bring into her fold. Non-political of course.

  5. The Lake Worth CRA is turning Lake Worth into a Dunbar Village,with the NSP grant money.Look at what they force housing on.Good neighborhoods made into low income ones,destroying the Lake Worth tax base.The Lake Worth Commission is supposed to decide what to allow the CRA to do while in the wrong district,not turning the City into a slum by placing illegal aliens with false ID's and wellfare recipients, in upscale neighborhoods,killing the tax base. The Commission was elected to be in charge, is afraid of the CRA, which they should place in blighted, South of 6th Ave. So.district,
    so that the most lucrative District , with high tax revenue,Downtown,can contribute to the sustainability of the City(unfunded City pensions!).
    L.W.Park of Commerce has several candidates for development,who would be contributing jobs and to Lake Worth Taxbase. Not one Commission has been capable to arrange that.Several Companies would be eligible as any intelligent, moral thinking person knows,even half wits.
    Morons don't know and want to destroy the main attraction of Lake Worth,Downtown, to cover their stupidity.
