Thursday, March 21, 2013

Apathetic Voters - Lake Worth

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Voters are apathetic, no doubt about it.  Unless it involves a national election, turn-out is always very low.  In Palm Beach County, only 1 in 9 voters showed up at the polls with a 10.86 percent bothering to get off that couch.  We did a little better in Lake Worth with 14%.

Broward County consists of 31 cities and almost half have gone to November elections over the past ten years. The thought was it would help with turnout and it has. It wasn't that long ago during the Jeff Clemens regime that Lake Worth voted in November elections and those officials were in office an additional 9 months. Last Tuesday, Lake Worth voted to return to March elections.

Since the election, we have heard a lot of complaints from certain people who lost on Amendment 2  on the fact that so few decided this election. They say that only a small fraction of voters decide the issues even though it was they who pushed for and endorsed going back to March elections. The vote was 1,333 of the 2,264 to move the election to March.


  1. Hey ,the sore losers could have had the election in NOVEMBER if the majority Commission had not refused to let the people vote. I guess they needed extra time to huddle with each other to figure out how to raise funds for "education" and illegal banners.

  2. That's sort of a dumb complaint. They had every chance to get their voters out just like the yes side did.

  3. I want an apology from Greg Rice ,Wes Blackman,John Rinaldi and Loretta Sharpe for breaking the law by hanging an illegal and untruthful banner from the Gulfstream hotel.I also want them to apologize for deliberately confusing voters about this very important issue.
    Commissioner Szerdi "heard" about voters being confused by ,amazingly, only YES doorknockers.Mr. Szerdi, did ANYONE ask you what that HUGE banner on the Gulfstream meant? Or why both YES and NO signs had "keep Lake Worth low-rise" on them ? I had about twenty people all told come up to me in the store and on the street when I was wearing my YES shirt.They were concerned and confused about the Gulfstream. NO ONE said "I want more 65 foot bldgs. downtown".
    Commissioner Szerdi, you need to demand a PUBLIC apology from the NO organizers.That may be a bit awkward if you were one of them, but do it anyway. And kick these PAC members off of our volunteer boards while you're at it.
    Katie Mcgiveron

  4. Thanks for pointing out the hypocrisy of these people who have taken over city hall.They like to believe they are the deciders and are the only ones who know what's good for our city. They lie to those who will listen. They say and do the damndest of things. Tie their hands behind their backs and their nonsense will cease. Keep telling them to bite the bullet.Great graphic.

  5. Just a quick note to say hi. Hope you are feeling better and taking some time for yourself since the election has passed. So glad it was a successful vote. Lake Worth is so pretty & charming and would hate to see high rises built there.

  6. I think the difference between Broward and Palm Beach is that since so many cities have moved to a nov. municipal election it was cheaper and better turn out. For Lake Worth, since no other municipality had nov. elections we had to pay the cost to have one on our own when there wasn't a general election.

    But I still voted for keeping the Nov. schedule because I think the better turn out was worth the cost, but I lost that one.

  7. No one campaigned for or against moving the elections. Personally, I had to concentrate on one issue. I can see both sides of this argument but for the NO folks to complain about low turn-out in one breath and then endorse March elections is rather ridiculous.
