Saturday, March 2, 2013

Vote ‘yes’ on lower height limits in Lake Worth

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Letters @ (the unedited version of Mr. Mcnamara's letter)
March 2, 2013

In addition to enabling the disappearance of the small town character of the downtown of our waterfront city, the Commission’s raising of the height limits in our comprehensive plan to 65’ for the Lake and Lucerne Avenue corridors would likely result in higher taxes for our residents, since Florida Statutes require any revenue gained from additional development in this area to go to the Community Redevelopment Agency and none to our general fund to pay for the concurrency required for the development our Commissioners are espousing.

 Florida enjoys billions in revenue from tourism. Tourists come to Florida for historic areas, and to feel the calming effect of the natural beauty of sky and open water, not to look at condos or modern hotels.

These are two of several reasons that citizens gathered the required signatures to lower the Charter height limits to 45’ and 35’ when the Commission went against the expressed desires of us citizens which had been outlined very clearly in 5 years of charettes, and approved by The Planning and Zoning Board, the Historic Preservation Board, and this Commission in a January 2012 tri-partite meeting at the Municipal Golf Course. The Commission then did an about face

We look forward to a Yes vote on Amendment 2 on March 12th to preserve the skyline and character of the downtown of our city, which differs from the majority of our neighbors, and is the reason most of us chose to live here.

Chairman of Citizens Come First.


  1. March 5th Item 10A is the second and FINAL reading to Create an Enterprise Zone Development Agency.

    This is the CRA on Steroids! It will consume an even larger tax base as it may COVER THE WHOLE CITY! This NEW authority that will TAKE AWAY YOUR AUTHORITY or PROPERTY RIGHTS and is BAD! (Ca calls it a Shadow Government)

    I googled "Problems EZ" and a HUD paper came up w/8 reasons these are not working 'as planned'.

    So tell me again why we are doing this?

    Keep telling the truth about the taxes! I spoke w/a yes, turned no then we talked. I asked him to listen to what he said - "He respected both our view points and opinions" I said mine was backed up on paper (public record and acceptable articles)and NOT opinion. That IS the problem. He suggested we get together and talk. I said bring your facts and I am there. Got nothing to show but the air that you blow from your mouth is not where I'd spend my time.

    Please stop listening and start looking at what is written and how's it working.

  2. Look what the vote no people have had to resort to doing.Deny the citizens the right to vote on the issue and spend thousands to do this. Put illegal signs on buildings. Watch a corrupt city Commission squirm out of following the law by refusing to have the illegal sign taken down.Allow city staff to write nasty e-mails to citizens quetioning their refusal to follow the law and remove the sign.Commission that refuses to remove board members who thumbed their noses at the laws here in Lake Worth. Very sad. I hope the people of this city wake up and elect Commissioners who will protect the citizens and not the out of town money that they almost all bow down to now.

  3. I fail to see how two additional stories is going to change anything between the area east of Federal between Lake and Lucerne. Not all of the tax revenue goes to the CRA and even if it does the added revenue will help the city. This letter completely fails to mention the fact that economic development has stopped in Lake Worth for over two years and he seems to think that limiting these two stories will have no impact on the economic value of this property. He is wrong on both these counts. I agree with the Palm Beach Post. We nee to be open to a 6 story hotel as we already have one that is about to fall down. Sorry I have to disagree with you on this one Lynn.

  4. Well, anonymous, I have been trying to explain the issue. i guess I just have not succeeded with you. If you care to call me I would be very happy to talk with you and express the concerns and explain the matter. It is so much more than a 20 foot issue.

    economic development has stopped in many towns because we have been in a depression. Where were the developers all of these years? They have been allowed to build high all along. Why didn't they Mr. Marra failed to mention the thrust of the matter in his article today.

    Call the chair of the PAC at 305-6259 if you want to know the facts.

  5. Mr.Marra has his head in the sand again! Staff has said there are 7 lots east of Federal that can be built up on yet the editorial says 2 or 3. Can't they get it right for once?

  6. The Palm Beach Post does not care enough to get the facts straight. Worst editorial writers in the state! Oh, wait, there's that little local paper that would compete for that honor. We need a new newspaper in this town.

  7. If the editorial said to vote yes you asswipes would be calling the Post the best mosr progressive paper in the country.
    We're all still waiting for your plan to save Lake Worth finasncially.

  8. ASSWIPES? Nice language, anonymous. It really is what you guys do best.

    Why don't you tell us how a low rise city will hurt us financially. Waiting.....................

    Ok, then, why not ask Key West how a low rise city has hurt them? Ask any low-rise city about how well financially they are doing? Delray? Vero? Jacksonville Beach? Come back and report.

  9. Key West is an international tourist desitnation. Lake Worth is not.
    There are multiple hotels in Key West some of which are 65 feet tall.
    There are no hotels for tourists in Lake Worth.
    Lake Worth has been a low rise city for 100 years. We are next to the bottom in Palm Beach county financially.
    Why don't YOU TELL ME how a low rise city is hurting us financially.
