Banner shall mean any sign having the characters, letters, illustration or ornamentations applied to cloth, paper, balloons or fabric of any kind with only such material for foundation and shall include pennant or any animated, rotating and/or fluttering device, with or without lettering for design, and manufactured and placed for the purpose of attracting attention.
Political sign shall mean a sign urging the election or defeat of any candidate seeking any political office, or urging the passage or defeat of any ballot measure.
Sign shall mean any display of banners, flags, characters, letters, illustrations or ornamentations, or the complete structure on which any such characters, letters, illustrations or ornamentations are stated or applied (except buildings to which the same may be attached), used for identification, directional purposes, advertising or promotional purposes; provided, however, that "sign" shall not be construed so as to include self-contained fixtures approved as required by the National Electrical Code or nonelectrical displays wholly contained within a store building and not visible from any public right-of-way.
Snipe sign shall mean any sign of any size, made of any materials, including paper, cardboard, wood and metal, when such sign is tacked, nailed, posted, pasted, glued or otherwise attached to trees, poles, fences or other objects. Handwritten or hand-lettered signs affixed to a window surface shall be considered a snipe sign.
Okay, we got all of that out of the way. I would honestly love to see all signs on the roadways banned from the City. It is out of control in Lake Worth from For Rent signs, to some guy doing taxes out of his house with no business license. Political signs will never be banned, however, because of our First Amendment rights. But they do clutter up the place. Snipe signs are the worst of the lot and all of us need to take them down when we see one. Usually they are placed on the swale, illegally.
Loretta Sharpe didn't know that a banner was a sign. And she says we're stupid.