Saturday, March 16, 2013

"Unconstitutional" says Federal Judge

Comment up

Look what Obama is doing--SHOCKING!!

They're called national security letters and the FBI issues thousands of them a year to banks, phone companies and other businesses demanding customer information. They're sent without judicial review and recipients are barred from disclosing them. On Friday, a federal judge in San Francisco declared the letters unconstitutional, saying the secretive demands for customer data violate the First Amendment.


  1. Was it "shocking" when Bush was doing it? These things are remnants of the Patriot Act which was passed under you know who.

  2. A non-answer and name-calling to what I think is a very valid point. I think it's wrong whenever it's done. And I voted for Bush. Partisanship makes hypocrites out of otherwise intelligent people.

  3. You think what I said is "name calling?" You have NO IDEA WHAT NAME CALLING IS THEN.

  4. Being called a "progressive socialist," Lynn, when you're a mainstream Republican is being called a name. C'mon, Lynn...seriously? Are you that far right?

    All I did was point out that the same thing you're criticizing the current President about was passed by Bush. Maybe you were up in arms about it back in 2002...I don't know. But I would like to hear why it's so very much different now.

    Is that so unreasonable here? I'm new so maybe these kind of things aren't open to discussion.

  5. If that's the case, why do you believe then that 2 wrongs make some sort of a right just because it is Obama--the anointed one? He is ruining this country.

  6. Lynn, I have to apologize because I'm just not following you. "2 wrongs" I guess refers to Bush's "wrong" and Obama's "wrong." We agree on that, I think. But I also think that many Republicans like yourself stood silent when Bush did the same thing for 8 years. Obama continues Bush's policies and only then do Republicans get excited about it and denounce it as a threat to our freedoms.

    Anyway...thank you for all the work you do here in Lake Worth to preserve this town's character. It is much appreciated by us natives.

  7. First of all, I am a registered Democrat and have been for over 40 years. When Obama was running in 2007, I changed my mind. Now, after seeing the trend and the horrible conditions of this country, the national debt and the hypocrisy of the Democratic Party in general, I did not vote for Obama the first time nor the 2nd. I do not regret my decision by any stretch of the imagination. I see fault in both Parties but the Democratic Party right now is by far the worst of the two.
