Saturday, March 16, 2013

Thank you Lake Worth Voters

Comment Up

At our voting precinct

Lots of thumbs up and lots of people saying
"Thank You" back.

What better place to say "thank you" than in front of
the "non-political" Chamber of Commerce that went political
by displaying the vote NO groups' yard signs.


  1. Don't let anyone kid you,
    We the People WON and that's
    what is most important when it
    comes to the Proper Role of
    Government. It was ALWAYS about our cities Charter (Constitution)!

    Time to look at the CRA and why
    it is taking our taxes and not in
    the bad areas? The Enterprise Zone
    is WORSE - like CRA on Steroids! Looks like poor seniors in Single Family neighborhoods will get business because that's what an enterprise zone DOES! WHY? $$$$
    Your elected 'found a need' (Keep
    US poor for the grant money of course)
    Time to tell them, "Back off Sam"!

  2. I want to thank all of those who helped in this election who have never been thanked. Without all of you, the NO's would have won on lies and impudence.
