Sunday, March 3, 2013

Truth and Hate, no fine line

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A typical comment from someone on the "other" blog who has no compunction about posting despicable and silly lies and who is a supporter of changing our downtown for development:

Vote NO on March 12 said...
Vote Yes on March 12th. A Vote Yes is a Vote for Lynn Anderson. A Vote Yes is a Vote for Hate.

This poster is getting TRUTH and HATE mixed up. But their entire lying argument from inception has been to deceive and confuse.



  1. Good points all. And it seems the enormous success of South Beach, Miami and its famous four-story hotels there have been overlooked. See The Colony, The Breakwater, The Avalon, The Pelican!

  2. The poster is not the person who allowed a blog calling certain citizens in this city as being punished by god. Only one person allowed that, and that was you Lynn, I would call that pretty hateful.

  3. Believe what you will, anonymous. If it was on my blog, I am not aware of it. I believe it was on another blog...could be wrong.

  4. To the person who wants to harass me about a comment on my blog--if you can point out where it is, I WANT to remove it. Thanks for your help. If you can't find it, let me know that too. I believe that it was Wes Blackman who posted a despicable comment and attributed it to me.

    At any rate, this is the end of it. Thanks.

  5. Youre' crazier than everybody thinks if you think you can deny posting Dee's disturbing, hate filled endorsement of the vote yes crowd on your blog.
    You're even crazier if you think this is the end of it. I was so shocked to read that I printed and saved the page.
    It's going to come up every time you or Larry or Dee open your mouths in the future.
    It's going to be distributed around town with the banner from your blog, your picture, Dee and Larry's picture. (in a cruel twist of fate it's the photo of them you recently used on your blog).
    All 3 of you will wear Dee's hate filled endorsement of your Pac for a very long time.
    "This is the end of it".
    You're going to wish this was the end of it!

  6. Wow--big threat. I'm scared.
    how about sending it to me in an e-mail. I would like to read it.

  7. No threat. It's a promise you'll see.
    Why would I send it to you in an email? You read it a couple of times before you posted it, then read it again whenever someone commented on it. You know exactly what it said. You and the Mcnamaras. 3 stand up citizens.

  8. Who gives a sh** about some comment that is not on your blog and not written by you. If it was here, it's not now. Tell blackman and friends to fly a kite.

  9. LOL, anonymous at 3:47. You must be losing this argument or making it up. Take your pick. At any rate, this is the end of it.

  10. I never saw anything like this on Lynn's blog. Maybe it was on Wes's blog.
    That's the problem with some blogs, twitter, facebook, etc. TMI and too many people being less than they can be and failing to improve our world and create goodwill.
    Love God, love your neighbor, and love yourself.

  11. I have known Lynn for 35 years. She would never say something like that nor would she think it. You are out of line Mr. A at 3:47.I am beginning to think you are nuts.I sure hope that you lose on the heights issue too.We want to keep our city small. Why do you keep pushing lies?

  12. Thank you above. Is this Jeanine? One thing for sure, this is the most vicious campaign of all time.

  13. Nice things can only said abut nice people.Crazy people call sane ones ,crazy,as their world is upside down.
    Hatred comes from greed of quick commission hustler-Realtors,who push harmful to a Towns'more than 30,000 Taxpayers" quality of life,developement, turning towns into vacant Dunbar Villageshatred's base:Loss of those ill-gained Commisssions,like the Lucerne built with 13 violations(Ikept the list) and 10 years of tax exemption for their rich developers.Payable by Citizens.
    Result, greedy immoral Realtors grabbed all the Commissions for 82 Condos!
    Hatred comes from the loss ,while salivating, over the ill-gained dreamed off, money!
    Loss of that expected Commission!

  14. Nice things can only be said and written about nice people.The vulgar, crude response to the truth is typical of that unsavory element which suffers from overblown ego, misplaced sense of importance, their insignificance of their contributitions to civilized human life! Sewer minds produce sewer responses,products of vulgar progenitors.
    Wish that we had one more good journalist like Lynn,who writes as impeccable English as she does.
    Mark Easton is progeny of real beautiful Lake Worth of the Pioneers, and will consider the fact that he is supposed to be the civilized voice of the Press, which wants the best for Lake Worth.He of all people knows that the attracttion for new taxpaying residents and tourism is Lake Worth as left us by the Pioneers, part of beautiful old Florida!
    Based on his DIGNIFIED family's(EASTON) background he will support Lake Worth's character preservation and VOTE YES!
    He will not resort to mudslining,as his mother wouldn't and FATHER NEVER has.He will show Lake Worth a civilized,cultured side of Lake Worth
