Sunday, March 3, 2013

Lake Worth Lagoon

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  1. Lynne, This post is indeed misplaced however there is never a bad time or place for the TRUTH... to repair extreme abuses of the truth from last year: Specifically, an annonymous poster said Agenda 21 is non-binding. No it's not. Once signed, it's forever. Go to the UN's own web site and read about AG21! Why allow an annonymous clown to blather facts and myths when the facts and myths are fabricated themselves? The poster's comments from June 7 are completely without fact; something your 'blog by-laws' claim to not allow. Nice too that the poster chose to go to great length in seperating fact from myth yet couldn't even find it within himself to offer his name... cowardly if what they offer is so important, don't ya think? btw- the comment re: the passion of a patriot and calling for her "committal"- a personal attack which you also condemn yet allow to become part of the discussion. When you allow this to become part of the discussion, you are just as guilty as the person who originally posted it.

  2. sorry. At that time I did not know as much about Agenda 21. If there is an issue that I care deeply about and someone comes over here and BS's, I either post it or not post blog. We do the best we can. How far should one go to censor commentary?

    Anyway, this blog is about the LW lagoon.
