Sunday, March 24, 2013

Trash at Lake Worth Beach

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Some of the trash at Lake Worth beach

Well, we have shown all the beautiful photos from our newly renovated beach and casino that cost approximately $13 million. Today, we are displaying the cold hard truth that some people, no matter how pristine or how beautiful something is, they will trash it anyway. The above are some shots from yesterday.

We here in Lake Worth have pride in our beachfront property and we must maintain it. There was trash strewn all over--the bathrooms were deplorable. Some trash was dumped on our grounds even though a trash container was within feet away. No one stooped over to pick up one piece of was totally ignored by all.  Baby diapers are being changed on our public benches and used diapers discarded where the parent sits.

Perhaps more trash cans are needed.  In the bathrooms, a larger container is a must and in the individual stalls, larger containers are necessary. NO Littering signs need to be erected and fines posted, in English and Spanish, of course.


  1. people littering....trash being left behind..this surprise you,...why? Did you really think that by refurbishing the beach it would change the way some people live their lives.
    Your first name is Polly is it?

  2. what do you expect from trashy people that live and hang out here---you havent seen the worst yet---over the years that cassino will once again be trash

  3. where is the picture of dylan harrison---from the trashy kava bar

  4. Let us not forget Creole.

  5. More trash cans need to be placed at the beach and in the rest rooms and, more importantly, the trash needs to be emptied on a regular basis during the weekend. Often times I see the trash cans are full mid day. If no one empties them, which they don't, then of course trash is going to blow away or end up on the ground.

  6. LA, Must be some of the people from all over the world you mentioned last week.

  7. Couldn't be Lake Worth residents!! :)
