Monday, March 11, 2013

Don't let anyone "bug" you - our message is clear

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Vote YES on amendment 2

People are supposed to believe Mr. Rice because, well, he's a celebrity. People just automatically bow down to and believe celebs even if some lie, cheat and twist the truth and have special interests in the outcome. That's why companies hire them to get across their message. Transcript of Greg Rice's lying call:

Hello, This is your neighbor Greg Rice. Does the threat of over development bug you? Well frankly, it bugs me too. That’s why I hope you will join me tomorrow and vote no on question two. This question not only puts your neighborhood at risk, it prevents desperately needed job growth for our city and hinders the preservation of our quaint downtown. Please stand up for your neighborhood and the potential for irresponsible future development Please vote no on question two tomorrow, March 12th. This is a paid political advertisement paid for by the Friends of the Gulfstream Political Action Committee, 1311 South Palmway, Lake Worth, Florida.

Vote Yes on 2 tomorrow and tell Greg Rice we are not fooled by his deception.


  1. It 'bugged' me so much I called Mr. Hulett (561.686.7171) and left a message for him. I said I was bothered by Greg's "Bug" comment and felt he was playing off Mr. Hulett's business, giving me an impression of his company I didn't have before. I apologized for bothering him but said I was bugged enough by the "Bug" comment, I called to tell him how I felt.

  2. No people are total self servers and %^&$*s on top of it. Who would believe anything they say? all they do is take pot shots at everyone who just want to keep our city nice and small downtown. What's wrong with that?

  3. How does voting to keep maximum heights in our downtown at 45" threaten my neighborhood of one story ,single family homes?Katie Mcgiveron

  4. How does a 65 foot building next to the intracoastal threaten your one story single family homes west of congress?

  5. I see weetha peebull has joined the ranks of "those trying to get people fired for political reasons". Is that in the consitution?
    Maybe she doesn't realize that Greg Rice doesn't actually work for Hulett.
    I wonder how long the owner laughed after he heard weetha peebulls message?

  6. Greg Rice does television commercials for Hulett. He therefore represents Hulett. Are you just twisting words again like vote NO means voting for a low-rise city? LOL

  7. Greg Rice used his money and influence to deceive the voters. He is not honest. If he doesn't have integrity what does he have. His money won't get him into heaven. He hangs out with the pseudo movers and shakers who all want to use Lake Worth for self-serving reasons. Sorry, Greg, that's the way I see you. Not very admirable, sir.
