Monday, March 11, 2013

The Devious Negative people - It's planning and zoning on crack

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Tomorrow, Lake Worth residents will go to the polls and vote on a bitterly contested referendum regarding building heights in the city. Two buildings are emblematic in this fight.

See also:
-Lake Worth's Gulfstream Hotel: Bahraini Petrodollars, the Black Gatsby and Foreclosure

The first is the Lucerne, a six-story condo complex that towers above the city's low-rise (mostly two-story) downtown, architecturally as appropriate as a tarantula on a slice of angel food cake. The building went up seven years ago, a product of the build-at-any-cost mentality that's destroyed so much of South Florida.

The other is the Gulfstream Hotel, a graceful -- but empty -- 90-year old structure on Bryant Park at the city's traditional, oceanside gateway. Perversely, the historic hotel is now being used to to re-ignite development mania.

Read more... at Broward/Palm Beach New Times.

And don't forget the Greg Rice robo call that was full of lies.  If nothing else will motivate you to get to the polls, it is his call.


  1. Ok Channel 12, LW Hearld and the PBP - this is the other side of the story!
    Free Press and News please show both sides of the coin!

  2. Nice try Lynn. It's written by Fire Ant. Who is Fire Ant? No real name - no credibility.

  3. Of course it's not credible to you--its' a blog...hahaha. It speaks the truth though.

  4. its to bad. this blog should be about honest debate where citizens would be educated about the issues. instead comments you disagree with are rarely posted and if they are the writer is abused. your posting of attacks on citizens and business is beyond heartless if you dont post this ill not write again

  5. Guess what--you need to read policy. I refuse to post LIES whether they are uttered from the Pope or Greg Rice or sweet little Mary Lindsey. :), unless i want to, of course.

    I have said--this is NOT fox News. This is an advocacy site and does not need to engage in the "other" argument that is bogus and ridden with lies from special interests.

  6. P.S.
    if you're not "educated" by now, or still confused, then you have been listening to all the wrong people. nice people can get fooled by those that are perceived to be "the IN-Crowd."

  7. Who it Fire Ant? If there is not a real name associated with the blogger than it means nothing. No truth to the piece.

  8. Right back at ya, anonymous...can't believe a word you say.

  9. Again, it's the message, not the messenger, so I could care less that it was Fire Ant or Adam Ant. He made some good points and there are good points on both sides of the argument. Problem, there was not a venue to have the two sides compared side by side.

    So Adam Ant doesn't know the difference between a motel and a hotel. He also states his opinion that the Historic Gulfstream Hotel will NEVER again open as a hotel due to the demographics of not only Lake Worth but of our surrounding cities that have hotels in every price range.

    So how does he think we will SAVE the Gulfstream if it doesn't remain a hotel? I guess he thinks we will again allow it to open on the first two floors as a restaurant/ bar and "whatever" in the upper floors. That may not require so many parking spaces. Not a bad concept when you think of it, but how does THAT help connect downtown to the beach or waterfront?

    Parking is the BIG issue. Almost everything revolves around PARKING.

    The owners at the 7 story condo next to the Gulfstream have NONE. They currently use the Gulfstream's parking lot as their own. For FREE. So they will be against ANY development.... repeat.... ANY because it will take away their free parking. AAAAANNNNNYYYYY!!!!

    That could be construed that THEY are a special interest. Not wanting any development for THEIR selfish reasons. They aren't developers. So how can they be greedy and selfish?

    Lynn, you may run an advocacy blog, but you have never been so inconsistent in what you would post and not post as on this issue. Since it is your blog, you have the right. But valid and logical points are just that. Not lies because they don't fit your narrative.

    I too wish there was much less name calling and insults on both sides. I see good people with differing opinions on how to make Lake Worth better.

    Chip Guthrie

  10. Chip--You stand behind your comments by signing your name. I believe I have posted almost all of them.

    I will not tolerate lies. When I know it to be a lie, I will not post it. This is not a site for that sort of politics--when the negative NO people say vote NO to keep LW a lo-rise city--that is a lie and total deception. It gets little press here other than exposing the lie for what it is and from whom. I'm not looking for a debate here.
