Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Mayor's Speech

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Prior to the mayor's State of the City Address held at the Lake Worth Casino, some of us were greeting the cars as they pulled onto our beach property holding our Vote YES signs.

The mayor began her speech with a lot of doom and gloom. After having heard the speech, no one in the world would want to have moved here--NO ONE. Talking about the poverty rate, to our schools and her pointing out low scores on their SAT's (nothing was said about a large majority of them coming from immigrant families with parents who speak NO English), to our property values that have plummeted. Again, nothing was mentioned about the depression that this country suffered with property values falling in every city in America or the fact that we have older housing stock on 25 foot lots that helped us become a bigger statistic.

One of the confusing parts of the speech was when the mayor talked about our General Fund, Revenues and Expenses. She said that revenues were now ahead of expenses even though the back-up that was handed out showed differently. One glaring bar chart showed the amount of money that was spent from reserves in 2008/2009 budget year. Susan Stanton was hired after that and turned the trend 180^  by cutting spending, keeping the city in the black.  After that, Scott Maxwell and his majority fired Stanton for doing the impossible.

She brought up the Land Development Regulations by saying they were confusing and our electric rates indicating that it was her commission that was straightening them all out. She took credit for the Casino opening--everyone clapped, even Scott Maxwell who was always against the casino from day one. She took credit for the Snook islands when some of these people wanted to figure out how to stop Phase II of the Snook Island project in order to put in a marina.

She totally annihilated the heights referendum saying that 65 foot buildings only could be built east of Federal when everyone knows that the Charter Allows 65 feet east of Dixie and 100 feet west of Dixie.
Basically,  she spoke to the choir with around 60 of her core group in attendance along with some staff.


  1. In other words, Lynn, it was a waste of city resources for her political speech.

  2. She's been such a disappointment. I was happy when she was elected to have a pro-business female mayor. Now I'm counting the days till I can help vote her out.

  3. What's been you biggest disappointment with Triolo?

  4. i would like to see the mayor take some time and listen to the people rather than those who bend her ear. They don't always advise her correctly and they have been the biggest part of the problems in this city with terrible decisions that have resulted in law suits, etc. She represents all of the people but half of us would not know that. I was at one commission meeting and she even yelled at a citizen.

  5. Mother my I? i dont like her either, she's successful in the eyes of the middle class, she doesnt represnt us, the environmentalist, human movement. Mulvehill in 2O14!!!

  6. The new mayor of Delay Beach had a great quote tonight on the news of his win. He said ' We have a unique town and the challenge is to keep it that way'.
