Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Robo call last night with YES on 2 message

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Hi. Did you receive a call from Greg Rice telling you that voting NO on Question 2 would keep Lake Worth quaint? He cant fool me.I'm Voting YES and I hope you will, too. That's the only way to truly protect Lake Worth's unique low-rise character, which is what brought most of us to the city and keeps visitors coming back. Vote YES on 2.

Paid for by Citizens Come First.


  1. you certainly are deceptive!

  2. Deceptive - how so?

  3. FYI, you can file a complaint against the group at the National Do Not Call Registry. Even if your number isn't registered, you can file a complaint for any robocall.

  4. Even if your number is registered, charities, political organizations, and telephone surveyors may continue to call you.
