Monday, March 18, 2013

St. Patrick's Day Parade in Lake Worth

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The PBSO Mounted Unit followed Mary Lindsey who was in the St. Patrick's Day Parade. One of the horses took a dump.

At the very tail end was the Kavasutra van advertising their business. Was that Dylan Harrison driving the van? An unorthodox business but nothing is completely orthodox in Lake Worth. Even the parade started in a totally different direction.


  1. Wow what a low life you and your blog have become....hate and nastiness that mirrors those you rile against...thank you for upholding the low life lake worth image. NOT!

  2. You have it confused as usual. I am not up on charges and might go to federal prison for 5 years. Take a hike.

  3. The only low lives are those who lied during the election on the heights and the LWHerald was one of the biggest contributors. His newspaper really personifies all the nastiness of this lying group. To have Dylan Harrison in this parade, the guy up on federal charges, is an insult to all of us. Put that one in your pipe.

  4. i spoke to a pbso he stated he heard dylan will get 5 years---that is not enough but now he will have beatifull men to bully in prison---lets see how that works---

  5. the parade brought a lot of people to our downtown but it was one of the worst parades. very lame. the people walking on the sidewalks were more interesting. missed the dump.

  6. I was hanging out a little more to the west of this pic but it was Harrison driving the van. Why would they let someone like this in the parade? Stupid so blame it on??? Who was in charge and made this decision?Thanks for bringing awareness to this.

  7. Should we send Mary's nuclear cloud threat to homeland security?

  8. To the poster who just tried to post--I post what I want to post. This is not a blog for you to post whatever crap you desire against this writer. It gets really tiring after awhile to see the same old rants from the same old people. Go post your unproven crap on the other blogs where they heartily enjoy all the denigration and personal attacks about me. HAVE A BALL.

  9. P.S. Anything that might have slipped by me from some commentator and got posted on this blog pales in comparison to what you NO folks did in this past election. PALES. TAKE A HIKE.

  10. What did the no people do that was worse than you posting Dee's deranged rant about Greg Rice and Loretta Sharpe and posting people's names on bullets?
    Name one thing worse than those 2 hateful, evil, spiteful posts.
    One thing, that's all it'll take to make yourself feel better, but it won't remove what you actually did. Hate is your legacy in Lake Worth.
    You'll always be remembered as the blogger that posted the deranged cancer, dwarf post then tried to lie your way out of it. I'm going to make it my mission to remind everyone on a recurring basis.
    Name 1 thing worse than what you posted.
    Whatever it takes right?

  11. You are doing "whatever it takes." You are one piece of despicable work. Stay off my blog. You are not welcomed here...calling people names as you just did and lying to boot. Get a life and get a new job.

  12. Will someone please call Homeland Security on Mary Lindsey for her mushroom cloud blog. Tell her obsession is a dangerous thing and making up stories is juvenile.

  13. Hey Mary, take the advice of the State Attorney. Shut the F up. You want to make federal cases out of what some visitor might have posted on a blog, a post that you can't even produce, do it but it doesn't hold water. This is a free society. People can say what they believe. Even you, a fabricator of the first degree and a menace to this city can say what you choose. It's much better to take the high road, however, rather than to bring someone down because YOU LOST. How pathetic can you get? Go bite that bullet.

  14. I am not going to accept any more comments of this nature, pro or con, on this subject. I wrote Greg Rice about this in a personal e-mail. I will no longer comment on it.

  15. i was not on the parade list. i snuck in the back door as i always do. i will sneak in Lynns back door soon.
