Monday, March 18, 2013

"As a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool repeats his folly"

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 Sun Recycling - They're baaaaaaaaaack

"This is a company that wants to dispose of all of our garbage, one of the most important functions in our society, especially from an environmental standpoint. And this company happens to have a long history of illegal dumping and other violations. Character is important, even when it comes to trash," so wrote Bob Norman, Channel 10 Miami.

See the shocking video

Sun Recycling did it in Dania Beach and they did the same thing in Lake Worth.

Through the years, I have written blog after blog on Sun Recycling as well as their political ties to some candidates for office in our city and their campaign contributions to influence. There were meetings after meetings regarding the acts of this company. Residents of the Osborne community gave testimony after testimony on their illnesses that they believed were caused by Sun's dumping.  Finally we did not renew their dumping contract.  And we did not renew their roll-off container contract, with Joe Kroll, Public Works Director saying that we could do it better and do it cheaper. At last, Sun was out of our city, or so we thought.

Charles Lomangino's alleged Mob connections were never proven, but he's never been too popular with many of the residents of Lake Worth who believe with 100% degree of certainty that his company Sun Recycling is a public nuisance and environmental menace. Source:  New Times Broward

On Tuesday's Consent Agenda, Southern Waste Systems is back and we are about to just give them a three year contract with 2 one year renewal extensions on our roll-off container business with absolutely NO discussion and now saying it will save us money.  Can we ever get a anything right?  Even morally right? This company was allowed to bid and was one of five in an RFP that went out last year. Sun (Southern Waste Systems) came in the low bidder and presented its proposal back on August 29, 2012 to mayor Pam Triolo.

Republic came in 2nd and Sun is affiliated with them. Back in June 2011, Recycling Today stated that "Southern Waste Systems (SWS), Lantana, Fla., was awarded, through a subcontract agreement with Republic, a five-year franchise to provide waste removal services in the City of Lauderhill, Fla.

Now, a few years later, and for some strange reason, officials have convenient short memories and staff come and go. They believe that the public all has "dementia" and in some ways they are correct. We never seem to keep a history of what has happened in our city and to remind politicians. Factions in this city continue to polarize and bad decisions continue by commission and staff alike. In this case, insanity abounds.


  1. Christopher McVoy can PULL this from Consent, no? It needs to be discussed and not just passed through!

  2. A classic example of "pay to play" pushed onto the consent agenda by our Commission and City Manager to reward this company for past, recently past, and potential contributions to future candidates by a company who gave Retha Lowe seven (7) $500 contributions under various identities. She provided phony addresses for them in her treasurer's report.
    Will they be required to clean out all the material they illegally dumped in our landfill before we give them another opportunity to monopolize one of our City services?

  3. The placing of Southern Waste Republic, or Sun, whatever they want to go under on the consent agenda by the City Manager reminds me where he came from.He was the Aide to Warren Newell convicted of
    corruption as a County Commissioner who went to Federal Prison. Consent to keep from Comments is out of the Sunshine. We all know of their bribes/or so called political contributions to LW candidates.This brings attention
    to Lake Worth Politics that should be investigated by the Federal Agents. What has the City Manager done to collect for the damages that they did to our Landfill and why has he not pursued them for the cost of correction.

  4. Interesting premise. I see your pattern now. You post some b.s. blog, the clown constitution lady posts some drivel then you go on and start posting anonymously to suit your narrative. Why don't you stop all anonymous comments?
    Everybody knows your group is trying to get the city manager fired. Didn't you recently publicly accuse him of shredding vital city documents? Where did that big investigation go?
    Just can't get over Stanton getting canned can you?
    Why don't you just call the federal agents to investigate the city manager and all Lake Worth politicians?
    Instead you fucking prefer to make unfounded baseless accusations about bribes and corruption against good people not caring about the harm even false accusations can cause their lives. Or is that your group's ultimate goal is to hurt and intimidate people to eliminate opposition?
    That shit's not going to work anymore.

  5. i went ahead and posted the above because it is totally off base, false and wrong. Who accused the city manager of shredding documents? I missed that. The City Clerk's office has eliminated public information that used to be on the web site. Is this what you are thinking about?
    Please name the "false" accusations regarding bribes and corruption. Do you have any idea what corruption even entails?
    I am over Stanton and she is over us. I still believe that it was a horrible thing to do and new commissioners lied about their intent there and followed Maxwell like little puppy dogs.

    And please refrain from swearing. I am the only one who can do that here. :)
