Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Mudslinging - One Winner and one Loser

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Ya win some; ya lose some. That's how our horses ran in two municipal races in Palm Beach County yesterday. One was a testament to the power of negative campaigning; the other was proof of its shortcomings.

The Lake Worth result is a warning to the present majority of that city's commission. As it stands, the 4-1 majority reflects the city's "paver" constituency (pro-development), who took power two years ago, ousting a 4-1 majority of "cavers" (pro-conservation and preservation). Three pavers are up for reelection next year, and the city's bloc of caver voters has to be reinvigorated by the referendum's outcome. The question is, who will step forward to run?
Read more... on the Lake Worth heights amendment as well as Shanon Materio from Broward New Times.


  1. "I got involved because the city wasn't doing anything to explain both sides of the issue."
    Greg,you got involved because you own property in Lake Worth that would have become much more profitable if the heights had been increaseed.The city WAS only giving one side of the issue-your side.Let's face it, Greg, this is the same Commission that flushed an entire extremely well qualifed P&Z board down the toilet and then appointed people like you.
    "People were confused".
    Greg, your side lied through their teeth, mooned the law and had the Palm Beach Post and the Lake Worth Herald performing for you like blind circus monkeys.You didn't have the balls to say"Hey,we think that 65 feet would be better for our city than 45 and 35 feet in this area."Thank God for HONEST,TRUTHFUL blogs like this one.
    People, we need a Commission that listens to the majority here in Lake Worth,not Greg Rice and his small and depressing band of bullshit slingers.
    Katie Mcgiveron

  2. Okay the Yes vote won so let us just stop the nonsense on both sides. Doesn't matter by how much, YES won!

    I must say I just looked up the Friends of the Gulfstream PAC and compared it to Respectful Planning. Quite obvious who was behind the NO group, practically all real estate while other were residents and citizens with just a desire to keep the city character of LW.

  3. Katie, do you really think the hotel district would have hurt Lake Worth?

  4. I don't think anyone was confused until the No signs came out claiming that no = lo rise. And some were confused b/c of the No group's claim that the Gulfstream will be torn down due to this amendment passing.

  5. Haha, love reading Kates comments, what a angry, depressed person she comes across as. love it!!

  6. You tell'um Katie, screw the successful people in this town! We can't keep up with them, lets be losers together!

  7. Nothing depressing about her nor is she depressed. She loves TRUTH.

  8. Katie what a bunch of bull... I have been in this city for over 30 years, and you and your friends have done nothing but turn this city down in a down ward spiral
    If you do not want to pay taxes, that is fine, get you fat ass out of Lake Worth, and let US become better than Rieveria Beach, and Belle Glade.

  9. It has to be like a bad hangover now for the NO people. They are spitting bullets: "What the F*&k happened? Even our mailer hit on election day and the day after. We have more money than brains," they are saying. :)

  10. hahah. I like that. Blind circus monkeys. Certainly is more accurate than all the names I've been called since the whole thing started.

    The progressive majority had control of our city government from November 2008 to November 2011. If Lake Worth is not where you'd like it to be, maybe you should ring up the people who have run this city (and our utility) into the ground since the 1970s.

    In three years they built a critically needed water plant, re-modeled the beach, and got us out of FMPA so that we could begin to lower our electric rates. What has the tea party republican commission done for us? Well, nothing. Except take credit for the beach and lowering electric rates. Oh, and passing an amendment to reduce voter participation in local elections. Hey, let's give them a hand.

    AND. This was a referendum on heights, not a hotel district. They can build all the four story hotels they want. You'll see a big increase in traffic in south palm park, but I guess they don't care, or just think it won't happen.

  11. "Katie what a bunch of bull... I have been in this city for over 30 years, and you and your friends have done nothing but turn this city down in a down ward spiral."

    We didn't have to turn to breaking the law and lying to people like you did.So,to recap, unlike you we are not bullshit slinging liars. You just don't get the fact that people like Lake Worth as it is. 30 years is long enough for you to slime my city. Move on ,growth whore,move on!!And by the way, I've been doing a happy dance since Tuesday night. Katie Mcgiveron

  12. The last time I checked growth wasn't a four letter word. If any institution be it a family, a company, or a city doesn't grow than the ultimate result is eventual extinction. Residents of our city that believe Lake Worth can maintain the status quo with regard to an anti growth agenda are seriously kidding themselves. The days of sleepy little beach towns in south florida are far in the past. Trying to pretend that things are getting better in Lake Worth is a delusion that the average resident of this city can't afford. Trading snipes on blogs such as this does nothing to solve the problems facing our city. I believe it is possible to maintain the historic character of Lake Worth, while encouraging business development and growth. The vote yes bloc did nothing but delay the inevitable. Lake Worth in the not to distant future will be forced to compete economically with the rest of palm beach county, or it will die.

  13. You need to get out more. You haven't been exposed to the real facts. Then you would know you can bulid a 4 story hotel on any of the lots in the hotel district.
